
I thought I'd come on, and give you all an update! I haven't been on Wattpad recently, but I have been writing. I have a book (that I've planned to come out in fall 2024, all being well.
          	I have not yet decided if I will post this story to Wattpad, although it will definitely be on Kerning. But I am updating The Games, which is already out on my profile here, so if you could go and read it and offer some feedback in the comments section, I'd be very grateful!
          	As always, I love you all! 


I thought I'd come on, and give you all an update! I haven't been on Wattpad recently, but I have been writing. I have a book (that I've planned to come out in fall 2024, all being well.
          I have not yet decided if I will post this story to Wattpad, although it will definitely be on Kerning. But I am updating The Games, which is already out on my profile here, so if you could go and read it and offer some feedback in the comments section, I'd be very grateful!
          As always, I love you all! 


Hi everyone. This is your weekly reminder to be nice to everyone, please reply to this post and mention your favourite author, let's share some love! Also remember to share some love to yourself and drink plenty of water because whoo is it hot outside! 
          Other news includes, I have finally finished Uni, yay! First year done. This means I can have some time to myself and I plan on reading more books on Wattpad. I hace applied to volunteer at my local library and I am starting my first story on Kerning. I have 2 planned, but more about them in later posts! 
          Love you all! 


@AceOfHorrors Whoo, thanks! Yes, I plan on publishing very soon, with a lot more time on my hands over Summer, I can finally get some writing done


@SuspenseScream Congrats on completing your first year of college. Looking forward to reading your work on Kerning.


Hi everyone, 
          I am officially on Kerning! Whooo!!! I would like to thank all of those who made it the website it is, and I will be publishing on there soon. I currently don't have any books up on there, but if you'd like to be the first to be notified when I am. You can follow me on there now, using this link! 


@Barnestori1 Oh thanks! If you have Discord also, I can add you to the Kerning discord chat


Slowly, I am coming off Wattpad. I don't belong here anymore. Wattpad will always have a special place in my heart and I will still be here for reading and things, but I won't be publishing any more stories. I am working on trying to finish one book and this book (maybe in about 2089 will be found online somewhere) and I am moving to Kerning when the website comes out. I'm sorry to everyone who likes my books (lmaooo, yeah right.) I wish you all a happy and very successful future. 


@SuspenseScream oh interesting! When does it come out I may have to check it out


@Williamson0 you're welcome to come follow me on Kerning, that's where I'll be posting my first ever horror story, my username is the same as it is here, and Kerning is free to join!


@Barnestori1 It's a new platform like Wattpad but writers get a better chance at earning money from it, and it's brand new 


When you leave a book club and you view your readership and you become broken hearted because the books in the reading club have over 100 reads and comments, and the books that aren't don't. That's when you realise no one cares about your writing, that they were only reading because you were their week's assignment and they want to stay in the club. That's when a lot of people (and myself) consider just giving up and going into hiding. This isn't a pity post, I don't want your pity, but just please be kind. Behind every story on this app is a real person with real feelings and emotions, and we're all trying to do something we love, so love everyone! 


@SuspenseScream Yeah, I write them for myself, but there comes a time where I do want something back. I love writing and can't imagine my life without them, but if someone read my work without needing too, like just for their own pleasure it would make me feel so good, and like someone actually appreciates what I'm doing lol 


@SuspenseScream  I hear you. I have plenty of books that only have book club reads. The way I came to accept that, is that I wrote them for myself, and that feedback--even from those who only read them under duress, lol--helped me to forge my ability to write something people would actually read one day. Creating content online is such a hard, fast, brutal game.


With DM's disappearing and Wattpad seemingly oblivious to the fact their ship is sinking. Send some love here through my message board! Engage with other people, even tag your favourite unpaid writers and let them know you're thinking of them and you love them! 
          Alternatively you can contact me on: 
          Discord: Unicorngirl23
          Instagram: wattpads_resident_unicorn


I am starting to write How It Ends again, but whereas before the world had already ended meaning the title didn't make much sense, this time it's going to actually explore how the world ends. 
          But of course the two main characters will still be Cyra and Lynx, and they might still find love! 


I haven't been reading here much, but starting next week I'm going to be reading and commenting on people's books more, so if you see loads of comments from me then enjoy! 
          Also, hopefully in a few weeks time I might have some exciting news, so stay tuned for that! 
          Lots of love, Flo! 


@SuspenseScream You are always welcome on my profile you are aware right, flo? hehe ♪⁠┌⁠|⁠∵⁠|⁠┘⁠♪└⁠|⁠∵⁠|⁠┐⁠♪