
Hey guys! Does anyone still follow me? Have I officially been wiped off the map yet?


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So hey guys. I have a few questions... Trying to get back in the swing of things. I will be updating The Truth in Cliche pretty regularly now, and I'm also experimenting with some new material. As always check out my other profile @tayleyy_the_tiger for my poetry and such truck. But I have a few new fanfics in the works... Tell me what y'all want. And what about Not Everyone Gets Prince Charming? Keep or kill? One shots?  Songfics? Feedback :) message me, comment on my stories, or just reply here. Bye lovlies!!! Hope to hear from you soon.


So I had my story Not Everyone Gets Prince Charming up on Mibba and since I rarely get on there now I supposed I'd post it here. I've got two chapters up and I'd sincerely appreciate some feedback on it. I've got plenty more written of it.