
A new story is coming into play later on this summer which takes place after Knight Vs TechnoMaster: Beastars!
          	This one is set in another universe called Knight Vs TechnoMaster: Zootopia! 
          	If you have any questions, be sure to let me know! 


And by that I mean they just make a new base, they explore the city of Zootopia this time with new animal bodies, they gain a new ally: Former Mayor Bellwether, and acquire the Night Howler flowers for a new set of ammunition and weapons. While Knight and his new Allie’s are out and about trying to stop them in this Disney police adventure 


Anyway, TechnoMaster is later transported to a Cliffside next to a big stronghold which they use as their next base of operations and soon they find themselves in another world population filled with animals and they do the same thing again only this time, more deadly 


After TechnoMaster flees along with Melon who joins him later in the story, they both make it to their ship and set a course for another world where they will have a better shot. And remember, this is set in every universe so Zootopia is the next target location and soon others will follow like Marvel and Star Wars amongst well you get the point 


A new story is coming into play later on this summer which takes place after Knight Vs TechnoMaster: Beastars!
          This one is set in another universe called Knight Vs TechnoMaster: Zootopia! 
          If you have any questions, be sure to let me know! 


And by that I mean they just make a new base, they explore the city of Zootopia this time with new animal bodies, they gain a new ally: Former Mayor Bellwether, and acquire the Night Howler flowers for a new set of ammunition and weapons. While Knight and his new Allie’s are out and about trying to stop them in this Disney police adventure 


Anyway, TechnoMaster is later transported to a Cliffside next to a big stronghold which they use as their next base of operations and soon they find themselves in another world population filled with animals and they do the same thing again only this time, more deadly 


After TechnoMaster flees along with Melon who joins him later in the story, they both make it to their ship and set a course for another world where they will have a better shot. And remember, this is set in every universe so Zootopia is the next target location and soon others will follow like Marvel and Star Wars amongst well you get the point 


Attention followers: Destiny: The Civil War is now officially over. All 41 chapters! Thank you to all the support throughout these long months. 


I might use them, I don’t know at the moment 


Wait what are you doing aedwolflegoshi


@aedwolflegoshi,  Wanna hear a scene idea for my next story?


At this point the story will be talking about how Amon will try to save legume and kyuu from nix and Jack as he ask technomaster for help but he denied 


Well he is married to Kyuu and now he is living in a house with her 


There are more stories I wanna make with the Beastars characters and the most influential of them all is the one where they all dress in rocker outfits or punk outfits and they go to Cherryton and this is also in a different universe so Tem is alive and Riz is getting treated with his mental health 


Attention followers- Today is the day where you get to share new ideas for new stories and characters! And they can be anything!
          Even new ideas for Knight Vs TechnoMaster franchise!
          You can submit any fanfic as long it’s appropriate!
          Things from mashups like 
          Knight Vs TechnoMaster: Star Wars 
          Knight Vs TechnoMaster: Marvel 
          Anything in particular! 
          And I might do them later on! 


Along with other things like aggretsuko and etc


And maybe Zootopia 


Oooooh, that’s good 


Attention followers: Destiny 2- The Final Shape is coming this June which means after I’m done playing with the new expansion, I will finally be able to update the story- Destiny: The Civil War while also make the sequel, Destiny: The Final Fight 


@Techn0master hey um...I kinda feel better but now...I think my brain is like those puzzle pieces


To those that follow me: I have decided to make a new story that talks about spies, secret agents, as well as political turmoil which takes place in the 1980s called Agent 0. 
          The faction that will be considered as the bad guy faction is the Global Miliant Terrorist Separatist Group known as ORCA or Organization of Really Crazy Anarchists. 
          If you have any more questions please message me and I may answer them


@Techn0master I once did a spy book, but not enough viewers


It’s fine actually! But that is a good idea, maybe I will consider it 


@Techn0master I like the part in spy films there's a tropical island where a mastermind uses it as a base of operations


Breaking News: On May 29th-30th, Final Exams end which begins my Summer Break! So I am hoping to finish strong until the Final Exams. Of course, with that said, I may or may not update as often since this is the final days and of course, we are expected to finish strong! 
          The only projects I have left is:
          Math Vlog 
          Art Portfolio 
          And A book project for History and English.
          That may not seem like much but truth be told:
          I am NOT an expert on technology! 
          And of course, yes, despite my name being the TechnoMaster, I love tech but I feel like an old grandpa (no offense) 
          So anyway, I’m hoping to finish strong and possibly pass 9th grade. 
          If I can! 
          You probably can’t see my face but it is very anxious:


As they say in toy story: To Infinity and Beyond!


Attention Readers: A new story idea  has just come into my mind- Beastars- A pirate Adventure 


What was the crossover again? I forgot 


So when will we do our crossover?