
Hi The-All-Eternal I just want to make sure about something real quick that I may suspect to be the case in the Halo universe in your story Escalation across the cosmos since it just dawned on me. I read about an advanced alien race called the Xalanyn which in the original Halo timeline were imprisoned on a Halo ring during the reintroduction phase to repopulate the galaxy after the flood was neutralized since they survived the firing of the Halo array. By any chance were the Xalanyn transported to another timeline/reality like all the other races of the Halo galaxy were before the Halo array fired or did they get imprisoned by the forerunners on a Halo ring but then later released from their imprisonment? I thought I’d ask about this since I saw no mention of the Xalanyn species in the Halo arc of your story. If you need more information about this you can read about them on the Halopedia to gain a better understanding.


Alright then I suppose that makes sense. By the way do you think the Xalanyn are good and happy with their situation and perhaps on good terms with Luciel and his forces? After all in the original Halo timeline the Xalanyn were clearly not happy with being imprisoned by the forerunners especially the Harbinger, but in this story since the imprisonment never happened the Xalanyn should be fine.


@Explor0 yes, I didn't want to mix them with most of the Halo arc since I was focused on the unsc and covenant at that time, so expect that they've either been thrown into another timeline or universe by one of Luciel's, Aegises(Former Vex).


Hello The-All-Eternal I was wondering since you mentioned that both the Highschool DxD arc and the Azure lane arc would have their own continuations in separate book stories do you by any chance have names in mind for the story titles that will be for the continuations of both arcs separately?


@Explor0 I'm thinking of it for now.


Hello The-All-Eternal I was wondering how did you create those Letters every time an angel says there name I really want to know?


@voidmetator thank you so much The-All-Eternal 


@voidmetator search Zalgo Translator in Google, it's the app I used to create those words.


Hi The-All-Eternal I was wondering about something that was mentioned in a much earlier chapter during the red alert arc for your story escalation across the cosmos. From what I could determine is that eventually the story will reach the fallout arc mainly the fallout game franchise, but what time period would Luciel’s arrival be at? Will it be before the Great War or after the Great War? Also in case you don’t know the Great War I’m referring to it’s mainly a nuclear war that happens in the year 2077.


Hi The-All-Eternal I just want to make sure real quick but are you aware of the new guidelines being set up by Wattpad that be be put in place by April 15?


Oh alright if that’s the case then I’ll go ahead and tell you what I learned recently from another author about these guidelines. Apparently stories that feature characters engaging in sexual activities while under the age of 18 will be deleted. So with this in mind I’ve been spreading the news about this to other authors so they can make the necessary revisions to their stories if need be to avoid deletion by Wattpad. Also it may be a good idea for you to also spread this news to other authors as well so they are aware and do whatever they need to do regarding their stories.