
          	Whew. Okay. So.
          	It is obviously not July anymore, and I obviously did not update "Fallen Star" in the timeline I set when I went started my road trip in May 2021. I apologize for this.
          	To say that "a lot has happened" since the end of my road trip in June would be a disservice to the phrase. I will just say that the road trip ended with a sudden death in my husband's family, which kickstarted a whirlwind of both good and bad life events. Example: We bought a house (good!) and then my dog unexpectedly died (bad!). So on, so forth.
          	That being said, there is a light at the end of this proverbial tunnel. We move into our house in two weeks, which should mark the end of the insanity that has been my life for the last few months.
          	I promise there is more to come for "Fallen Star," and I've even started writing a pseudo-sequel to it already. Hopefully, the rest of this story will be posted by September/October 2021.
          	If you're one of the loyal readers still hanging in to see the end of "Fallen Star," I super appreciate you and promise that you will not be disappointed!! This has been a fun and exciting story to write, and I can't wait to give you guys to final chapters.
          	Stay tuned for updates in the coming weeks. Thanks for being awesome!!!


@TheLightsAboveArbys Oh and keep safe everyday. I hope you are doing well now.


@TheLightsAboveArbys I'm excited for the updaaaate ❤ I'm sure that the coming chapters will be worth the wait✨


          Whew. Okay. So.
          It is obviously not July anymore, and I obviously did not update "Fallen Star" in the timeline I set when I went started my road trip in May 2021. I apologize for this.
          To say that "a lot has happened" since the end of my road trip in June would be a disservice to the phrase. I will just say that the road trip ended with a sudden death in my husband's family, which kickstarted a whirlwind of both good and bad life events. Example: We bought a house (good!) and then my dog unexpectedly died (bad!). So on, so forth.
          That being said, there is a light at the end of this proverbial tunnel. We move into our house in two weeks, which should mark the end of the insanity that has been my life for the last few months.
          I promise there is more to come for "Fallen Star," and I've even started writing a pseudo-sequel to it already. Hopefully, the rest of this story will be posted by September/October 2021.
          If you're one of the loyal readers still hanging in to see the end of "Fallen Star," I super appreciate you and promise that you will not be disappointed!! This has been a fun and exciting story to write, and I can't wait to give you guys to final chapters.
          Stay tuned for updates in the coming weeks. Thanks for being awesome!!!


@TheLightsAboveArbys Oh and keep safe everyday. I hope you are doing well now.


@TheLightsAboveArbys I'm excited for the updaaaate ❤ I'm sure that the coming chapters will be worth the wait✨