
Hi everyone! My magical realism story, Alive At Crepusculum is going to be getting a new title...I decided to not be fancy with Crepusculum, like, no one knows what that is, do they? 


@VincentJSomers Commonly in zoology, it means creatures who appear or are active during twilight. Since it doesn't have a noun form in English, I decided to go with Latin, but there's really no point in doing so for this book :P


@TheTigerWriter Doesn't "crepuscular" mean "dark" or "twilight"?


Hi everyone! My magical realism story, Alive At Crepusculum is going to be getting a new title...I decided to not be fancy with Crepusculum, like, no one knows what that is, do they? 


@VincentJSomers Commonly in zoology, it means creatures who appear or are active during twilight. Since it doesn't have a noun form in English, I decided to go with Latin, but there's really no point in doing so for this book :P


@TheTigerWriter Doesn't "crepuscular" mean "dark" or "twilight"?


Hi everyone! How are you? :D What are your favorite genres to read?


@a_s_raisa Awesome! Now I hope you can rest a bit? ;)


@a_s_raisa Hope your exams went well! What's your recent favorite MG book? :D


How do you make your covers? I wish I could make better ones, but I'm not good at graphic design.


@ChikaraChick I sent you a discord friend request. I think it worked... I make covers using PicMonkey. I've been doing it for years at this point. It's something that only comes with practice and experiment, imo. We can talk more on discord about this :)


Hi guys! You may or may have not noticed that I pulled "Alive At Crepusculum" from Wattpad. Well, I unpublished it because Wattpad marked it as mature, and I don't feel like arguing with them...yeah... I've been editing it on and off anyway. I think it'll go on my Patreon as a free e-book you can download as long as you're a freely-joined free member or something something. Maybe I'll put it on another site. Hasn't been doing so well on Wattpad, anyway.
          You know if I wanted to write an actual gory gory mature story on Wattpad, I would do that and label it myself. It's being labeled now and not before that irks me a bit.
          But what are ya gonna do?


@MissCatLatte Responded to you on discord.


@MissCatLatte I do understand that. But taking all those words out would be watering down the story which I don't want to do. Not about the word "r*pe". I could take it out if I still have it. I honestly don't remember if I kept it in after editing because I am still editing it.


@TheTigerWriter The mere mention of those topics will make it be marked as mature. Mentions of r*pe, mentions of decapitated heads, etc. If you don't want your story to be marked as mature, I'd recommend removing any of those keywords to avoid your story becoming marked for mature topics. 
            Check your direct message on Discord though, whenever you are available, of course.


I made a mistake before :P Hey guys! Do you want to keep in touch? You can find my Keep in Touch form here (  ). Discord, Instagram, or the Wacky Writer's Forum, wherever you like. I'm a BIG messaging/texting person, so if you think you can tolerate me, check out the form ;)


@ChikaraChick Thanks! I'll go look at it tomorrow. I've been busy setting up my Patreon and now I'm finally organized.


@TheTigerWriter Just filled it out for Discord! ^-^


I discovered your feedback book recently, inspiring me to start a feedback and critique shop! ^-^ I especially appreciate your distinction between feedback and critique. I'm working on recharging my writing batteries and becoming a better-established Wattpadder, and your book is helping me make a long-term plan. Thanks!


@ChikaraChick Awesome :D Wow, you've been on five years? And we've never come across each other before? And now the messaging system is gone...I wish Wattpad never got rid of it. I'm going to be posting a form to be able to keep in touch with people better. Maybe you could check it out?


Thank you! ^-^ I'm working on crafting clear guidelines, so I'm not worried. I share your love of foxes - Eric Carr is my favorite! ;) He's the former drummer and Fox of KISS. (I'm a diehard glam rock chick.) I agree that Wattpad is WILD sometimes, but I've made great friends over my past five years - and I have a feeling you're going to become one of them! ^-^


@ChikaraChick That's awesome! Good luck to you! :D Btw, if you're doing a critique shop, make sure you're clear about what genres you're doing. I had to say no to poetry because I'm critiquing based on chapters, and I didn't realize my mistake until someone requested :P 
            Also, idk if you've done one of these before, but it's good to indicate in the inline comments of people's books that you're there to critique. I write "A Fox Critiques:" or something similar before any comment I make. Reason is that, I've had a whole issue with fans angrily coming for me in the book's comments saying things like "why don't you write your own book" or "stop being mean to this author". The author didn't always come to my defense either even though they requested the critique.
            So, yeah, be careful... It's the wild world of Wattpad after all :/ If you ever need anything, feel free to reach out! :D


Hi people! Do any of you watch horror? So I rewatched The Nun and since I remembered what happens, it wasn't as scary as the first time, so I enjoyed the little details I missed last time and also admired the set and acting :D


@VincentJSomers I haven't seen, but I've heard of it :D Thanks for the recommendation!


@TheTigerWriter Have you seen The Invisible Man with Elisabeth Moss? Watched it last night - I highly recommend it!


Hi there! To people who are waiting for their first two chapters critiques by me, hold tight, I'm just one single person, so when I hit busy time, it's hard to find even a few hours to spare for a critique. But I won't ghost you and will get to all of you. Just...hold tight. It's been a bit hectic over here.