
Hello friends! Long time, no talk :) 
          	Figured I should drop in and give you all a little update on where I am and what I'm up to.
          	First things first: FLOAT is now published and available to purchase from most major bookstores (e.g. Barnes & Noble), Amazon, and through the Wattpad Books website! It's also available here on Wattpad through the Paid Stories program. 
          	If money is a bit tight, you can still support me by reading the original version for free, requesting FLOAT at your local library (or another library) (if you know, you know), or leaving a Goodreads review! Reviews are hugely helpful for authors and for getting books into the hands of readers who will love them.
          	(Also. I got to visit the film set. And meet Robbie and Andrea. So. THAT happened.)
          	As a more general life update: I'm back in the states after three lovely months in London with my friends and fellow authors Natalie Walton @floats and Simone Shirazi @simonesaidwhat (who you should follow if you love ridiculously well-written YA novels). It was utterly wild to have my debut novel release while I was out of the country, so shout out to my friends and my mom for relentlessly spamming me with pictures of my book out in the wild. I will never get over seeing it on shelves in bookstores. 
          	And I'm very much looking forward to sharing the published version of WHISTLEBLOWER with you all next year!
          	This account might be a little quiet for a while, but please know that I haven't stopped writing. I've just moved to a pen name! One day soon I hope to be able to share my new work with those of you who are interested in following me out of YA and into the world of adult Romance, but for now, I'm just very grateful that your support has allowed me to keep writing and telling stories. 
          	I am having so. Much. Fun.
          	Your friendly author,


@ToastedBagels I'm sorry for my ignorance, but I've just discovered who the author of Float is. I started reading this book some months ago, not really convinced at the beginning about it, but I must say I have fallen in love with it. So, congratss! 
          	  Lots of love,


@Lamisse660 did you ever figure out her pen name?


Hi Kate I’m a big fan of your books and love your style. 2 things
          1. Would you consider writing a book 2 of float.
          2. Could you read my new book “the river flows cold” on Wattpad and give me your honest opinion, tips, and any feedback you have. 
          Thank you so much- Grace 


Hello guys~~❤
          Sorry for randomly just spamming, but it would mean the world to me if you can 
          check out my story “Under Jacarandá Stars” ❤️

          If you are looking for unimaginable journey of love, friendship and romance! You won't be disappointed 
          I am a new writer so please leave your review too so I can improve my writing more:) 
          Thank you ✨