
this message may be offensive
Dear readers of My Psycho Jock 2. 1st of all, let us all bowed our heads down to the fallen masterpiece of which I will tell you about. It was a great start, I have visions, enthusiasm and so much passion for the story. But as time goes buy where I have enrolled into university...everything has turn into such a bitch and a pain in the ass. 
          	I lost my following, I lost my intelligence and IQ dealing with people's crap everyday. As I've wander around as a lost soul, so did the rest of my writing passion. 
          	My Psycho Jock 2 will now rest in peace as well as it should be. But no worries, I will come back as a new writer with a new heart, determined to shooketh all the gay hearts out there. If anyone have any further insults or question for me...you may do so in my inbox or here. 
          	Love, a heartless bitch...


@UnlovableBitch9785 please do part 2. its really good


@UnlovableBitch9785  please come back and do the part 2 
          	  I will pray for you 


But if it's up to you author ...i will wait for your comeback


My dearest author
          I really love your book especially "MY PSYCHO JOCK". It was really exiting and amazing and I love the combination of BL and Thriller. To be honest I really hope that you will write a season 2 about the story of "MY PSYCO JOCK". It was really good ngl  


          Just one thing
          I have read your book "when a man love" a 100 times
          And it gets me every fuckin time 
          I don't know why it is so underrated
          Like what is wrong with PPL nowadays
          Love your work 
          Are you gonna write something else ??? 
          Some other book with kind of a similar concept???
          And yeah 
          Love you 