
*Unceremoniously drops this.*
          	Oh nyo...! How could I be so clumsy...!


A new story! Yay!
          I know, I know, I should've updated Captivating Presence or Cale's Kitties! But I thought that you guys might be bored reading and anticipating the same ongoing fics, so I made another fanfic.
          I plan to add more, and maybe I might just use the ideas I made from my idea fanfic, but hey, something new is what everyone wanted anyways!
          I do plan on finishing my part 2 of special valentine's chapter, don't worry!
          This Tcf AU might be too easy for some of you guys... if you played a certain game if you know what I mean. (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


          Dead Plate! Yay!
          Basically, I got very interested in Dead Plate because I saw a Hans and Beacrox look alike lol-
          But digging further into Dead Plate and actually playing the game... I fell in love.
          So yeah! Gonna add Dead Plate to this account now ^^


@UrLocalAtrocity Wow, thanks... (I forgot that you existed in here-)




Hello readers!
          As you can see, I updated my profile! And I think I might keep this new look, probably.
          But anyways.
          New book! Yay!
          No, not a thing worth celebrating. Okay maybe a little bit.
          I got this idea from two of my friends so here it is!
          Expect the prompts to be filled with Maturity... you'll know who the horny fu- is.


Honestly, writing feels confusing to me.
          Like I understand the concept of what it means to write, it's just the way of how others write is making me feel lost.
          Some people write more dialogue and less describing, and some write less dialogue and more descriptions, metaphors, analogy, etc, and vice versa.
          My writing is the former one, but I'm trying to be more descriptive, too.
          Be it books and fanfictions, I feel like the way I write is wrong. Because most of what I read is very descriptive and not too much dialogues, and it made me feel like I'm lacking in that aspect due to how my stories looked boring in my perspective.
          So, I have a question for other authors or to any writers out there.
          Am I writing my fics wrong? Or is it right?


            Thank you for your high praises^^ 
            of course, you can join. You don't need to ask, just hop on.
            All the "good" writers have to start somewhere. And what a reader's definition of good is also relative. Some look at a story and be like, "that's sooooo good" while others wrinkle their noses. That's just how it is. 


@Lootandcake I see... thank you for replying!
            When I first read your RokCale fanfic (Red Roses for my Darling) I was like, "Damn... the way they describe Rok Soo is amazing..."
            Your description of him was so good! (And yes, I checked if I drooled as well. Luckily, I did not.) I kept thinking on how to be good as you, Kaienn (The one who made Trash of the Royal Family) and any other writers out there.
            But I can see your point. Writing is all about you and yourself alone. And thinking that I'm doing a bad job at writing was all an illusion my noggin came up with.
            If my readers are happy with the way I write, then I shouldn't try to change it.
            Oh and I saw that you have a discord server for Tcf. Is it okay if I joined as well? I feel like I can learn more from you, or from the members there if I get some advice.


@Lootandcake well, not just fanfic. Writing in general^^ be brave and persist, always try out stuff, if it works, yay, if not, worth a try.
            Maybe find some writing discord where you can immediately chat with people and ask how your story flows etc if you prefer that


ang mensaheng ito ay maaaring nakaksakit
          Not supposed to be "in" here but here I am.
          Anyways, doing a lot of thinking.
          I wanna thank you guys for liking my cringey and shitty fics (My first and third ones.) and for following me. It means a lot to me.
          Honestly, I'm saying this cuz I'm scared (which is so fucking stupid of me.) that I might not get my stuff back and go back to writing, playing honkai, star rail, hell, or might not redownload genshin, (I'm doing it for Wriothesley rerun lmao.) but I'm trying to be positive (which is so hard for me.)
          I hope I get at least an A in my report card. (My gut feeling is screaming that I might not get my stuff back just for that. But again, thinking positively.)
          And I get to be I discord, be chaotic as fuck with my friends and confide in them.
          God, I'm just ranting and dumping to you guys and I feel a bit emotionally weird. Sorry.
          But anyways, I hope I get back to doing I love in this app/website.
          Oh and, gonna come out to you guys. 
          I'm, uh, gay-
          You guys might not care or care, idk. But I wanna let you guys know so that I won't have to hide some guilt in me.
          I gave up on RokCale week. Sorry. But I'll re-compensate you guys with 4 stories ideas that I have.
          -Three original stories.
          -One RokCale songfic. 
          So yeah, that's all I guess.
          But, I don't deny that I love you guys for liking, commenting and following me.
          Hope I be back again.


@LaboIas hope you'd be back soon, Author-nim. take care of yourself. good luck


Hey guys...
          Been gone for nearly 2 weeks (I think) and it's because my parents took my phone and laptop away. Cuz I got low grades (Albeit being C for nearly all my subjects)
          So I can't really write anything here.
          I'm using a free laptop atm to tell you guys this. Unless I get good grades, I can't get my priveleges back.
          So! In the meantime, I'll do just that and practice my writing more!
          No updates until then.
          Hope ya'll understand!
          Have a great day / afternoon / evening!


Oh yeah. I also joined RokCale week, so hopefully I get to publish my prompts once I get my stuff back ^^