
Is anyone else having trouble with the  threads?


Hello! I am contacting you to say that I am adding your book to a reading list for awesome poetry, if you see anymore you could contact me if you want :) Second of all your poems were so fabulous. They had so much passion in some of them that it was so heartfelt. They do have some grammar errors, but your message, flow and delivery are flawless :) Please continue no matter what your poetry has a distinctive voice and it is a gem, have a nice day :)


@Vermillion66 Glad I could make your day! You made my day with your profile bio and poems. I totally agree about the sunscreen xD
            But your poetry is good and you should know it. In every poetry book their is a mean heckler. Just ignore them :) Your poetry rocks!
            The End
            I am glad you got a update I really want this to continue :) 


Thank you so much, your comment made my day:) again thank you soooo much!!!!


Wow! Thanks for checking out, voting on and adding my story to your reading list! I really appreciate it. Going to follow you~


@leowlun33 also thank your for all the votes:) it means alot:)


@leowlun33 no problemo:) thanks for the follow:)


Hiya, my name's Allie and I just wanted to personally thank you for voting on my Compilation of Poems book thingy!
          This sounds really formal and stuff, but all-in-all I hope your day is great and your sun shines brighter in your sky with each passing day. Seriously, though, take care ^-^


@alliecantwrite  thanks you :) that really means a lot to me, take care too:)