
          	How are you all?


I hope you are doing better now. Get well soon! 


@mishtilight *heard........
          	  Just wanna say one more thing I know you are sad about ur grandmother death but it also teaches that even we also don't know about our own life when will it end ..it's said that when a person take birth his birth and death time already decided everyone has fixed time some die from accident or even some while sleeping eating...die in old age is kinda blessings today ... just cherish the people not only people actually every living species around us spread love.....read bhagvat Gita as it is u kinda feel motivated just my little try to express my feelings to u hope u feel what I wanna deliver to u ..hare Krishna


@Waiting_Till_Bloom hare Krishna author hope u are fine now ...I am inactive for last few month due to my exams yesterday they were over and I from comments come to know about ur health issue....I just from somewhere that maya devi just take various test from us that in our tough time did our trust on Krishna diminishes or not...what we have to do is to believe in bhagvan ji till end and every tough face in our life end soon and we bounce back more strongly everytime


          How are you all?


I hope you are doing better now. Get well soon! 


@mishtilight *heard........
            Just wanna say one more thing I know you are sad about ur grandmother death but it also teaches that even we also don't know about our own life when will it end ..it's said that when a person take birth his birth and death time already decided everyone has fixed time some die from accident or even some while sleeping eating...die in old age is kinda blessings today ... just cherish the people not only people actually every living species around us spread love.....read bhagvat Gita as it is u kinda feel motivated just my little try to express my feelings to u hope u feel what I wanna deliver to u ..hare Krishna


@Waiting_Till_Bloom hare Krishna author hope u are fine now ...I am inactive for last few month due to my exams yesterday they were over and I from comments come to know about ur health issue....I just from somewhere that maya devi just take various test from us that in our tough time did our trust on Krishna diminishes or not...what we have to do is to believe in bhagvan ji till end and every tough face in our life end soon and we bounce back more strongly everytime


Dear Moon I know u r going through a tough phase and nothing anybody says will ease that pain but take care,ur grandmother is in a better place now. Believe in the almighty stay strong ❣️
          Hare Krishna


@KashishSaxena239 hello, sorry for late reply. Broke my vertebrae. Can hardly operate my left side. Hope you are well


Hello! Is there any update on how the author is doing now? I wish for her speedy recovery. I hope she is good now. Please, if anyone knows anything about her health, do let us know. 


@Waiting_Till_Bloom I checked your message just now. Oh my god! How that happened? But I’m so relieved you replied and are recovering. Please take care and get well soon. I know you must be feeling overwhelming with everything going on in your life right now. But there is always a ray of light at the end of the tunnel. And I know you will pull it through. One step at a time. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Let yourself feel and grieve and let go. But also give yourself a moment of respite. Keep making recovery, both emotionally and physically. Warm love and regards. 


@KanikaPat I broke my vertebrae now I can hardly operate with my left side 


author is in critical care. Please pray. She is in very serious condition 


Oh my god
            Please God please get her well soon 


@Exo_l_MG hello! I hope you are doing good. Can you please let us know how is the author doing now? Is she okay now? Is she recovering well? I’m wishing for her speedy recovery and hoping for her to get well soon. 