
Ahojky všichni! (čeština mi moc nejde, čo sa týka písania, ospravedlňujem sa) 
          	Tak ako v predchádzajúcom ozname, aj v tomto by som vám rada oznámila, že sa nám podarilo vytvoriť aj českú verziu zoznamu pre milovníkov romantiky. 
          	Nájdete ho tu: https://www.wattpad.com/list/1560145466
          	Nazabudnite si kapesníky! 
          	Wattpad Outreach


I’d really appreciate if people will appreciate this book of mine. Here’s the summary:
          "Elysia is a spy sent by her father, a Russian Mob Boss, to infiltrate the Yakuza gang run by his ex-friend and his son in Japan. However, things take a twisted and unexpected turn as she ends up falling for the enemy’s son, and is pulled into a dangerous web of sweet romance and manipulative darkness. Will she be able to continue her mission, or will her emotions get the best of her? Read on to find out!"