
Greetings Inquisitors!
          	Our prompts for the Fantasmical contest are now live! Head here to check them out: https://www.wattpad.com/1452723497-fantasmical-2024-c3-prompts
          	The character submission form will remain open for another 12 hours so get your submissions in via this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1OBrGVTNH_WA0gLlLPyPaHV4Fx7wZKrfseu5cc3D2y5w/edit?usp=drivesdk
          	Looking forward to your fantasmical stories!


Greetings Inquisitors!
          Our prompts for the Fantasmical contest are now live! Head here to check them out: https://www.wattpad.com/1452723497-fantasmical-2024-c3-prompts
          The character submission form will remain open for another 12 hours so get your submissions in via this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1OBrGVTNH_WA0gLlLPyPaHV4Fx7wZKrfseu5cc3D2y5w/edit?usp=drivesdk
          Looking forward to your fantasmical stories!


Greetings Inquisitors!
          Fantasmical Friday 1: What are 3 essentials you'd pack for the zombie apocalypse? 
          Submit your answers via this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ctdvr8GRk_us3SHFV7D1jiZTYCb1B0cnyMQKeCRe7YE/edit?usp=drivesdk
          Hope you're busy whipping up some fun characters for the Fantasmical contest. The deadline for submitting your characters is this Monday, 10th June.
          For more details about the Fantasmical contest, head here: https://www.wattpad.com/story/370157014-fantasmical-2024


Greetings writers!
          Our character creation adventure, Fantasmical is back for another year! If you have a knack for creating unique characters, writing a whole slew of short stories, and answering questions of the week, this is the perfect stop for you!
          Head here for more details: https://www.wattpad.com/story/370157014-fantasmical-2024
          Character creation deadline: 10th June 2024, midnight EST


Hello Inquisitors!
          You are the foundation of creativity. When you ask yourself, "What if?" your question sparks something inside you and you create.
          Every weak starting today, we'll feature a question of the week.
          QOTW: What is your favorite 'What if' scenario you've seen in fanfiction?
          Leave your answers in the comment section below!


As humans, we're sure you have asked yourself, "What if?" on a few occasions.
          "What if... I don't go to the grocery store?"
          "What if... I set my alarm two hours later my normal starting time?"
          "What if... My favorite movie had a different ending?"
          "What if... I write something different and redefine genres and fanfictions?"
          Luckily, @What-IfVerse is here for all those 'what ifs'. We're a newfound profile ran by a single user @dj_thecrazycatlady who believes is more professional to refer to herself as 'we' and 'team' but we don't judge.
          As a new profile, we are currently looking to add some books to our various reading lists, which you can find here: https://www.wattpad.com/1436776510-what-if-verse-profile-guide-our-reading-lists-how 
          After reading through our various lists, you can go here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdEkqIUH7G-IsNsRIayQWrLDx8P23HjEGuTRty9IK-GjGtyJQ/viewform to submit your form!
          Keep an eye out for future activities across the profile!