
Hey Beautiful People,
          	Remember me? Because I definitely haven’t forgotten about you. 
          	I know it’s been a long time, my life of the last couple years has been something else. I found an amazing woman and fell in love and in 4 days time will be moving all the way across country to move in with her. 
          	So, yeah, a lot has been going on and I’m sad to say that my writing really took a back seat during this time. But hopefully once my life gets settled, I will be able to get back to writing. I just wanted you all to know I haven’t forgotten about you or my books. I have every intent on coming back and finishing what I started and hopefully even starting something else after that (I’ve had numerous book ideas come to me that I would love to get a chance to explore). I don’t know when I will be back, but I promise you, I will be. 
          	I wish you all the best ❤️❤️❤️


@Whatever81 congrats on finding love wish you all the best 


Also Happy Pride, everyone ️‍


Hey Beautiful People,
          Remember me? Because I definitely haven’t forgotten about you. 
          I know it’s been a long time, my life of the last couple years has been something else. I found an amazing woman and fell in love and in 4 days time will be moving all the way across country to move in with her. 
          So, yeah, a lot has been going on and I’m sad to say that my writing really took a back seat during this time. But hopefully once my life gets settled, I will be able to get back to writing. I just wanted you all to know I haven’t forgotten about you or my books. I have every intent on coming back and finishing what I started and hopefully even starting something else after that (I’ve had numerous book ideas come to me that I would love to get a chance to explore). I don’t know when I will be back, but I promise you, I will be. 
          I wish you all the best ❤️❤️❤️


@Whatever81 congrats on finding love wish you all the best 


Also Happy Pride, everyone ️‍


Not sure if I’ve said this before, my apologies if so… but i love your display picture… that’s a great web comic that I’ve read multiple times.  I swear where i read that the first time, it was going to be polyarmorous, but alas, it wasn’t.  Haha.  Anyway… be well and stay safe please.  ;)


Hello beautiful people, 
          I just logged on to see that I hit 1,000 followers and my mind is blown!!! I can still remember when I first started writing and the idea of even one person actually reading my writing and following me seemed impossible. Thank you to every one of you, it really means a lot to me to know that so many people enjoy my writing. 
          I wish you all nothing but the best ❤️


@Whatever81 dude you're literally the best writer there's out there. You deserve more than this bruh  


Hello Beautiful People,
          I know it’s been a while and for that, I’m sorry. I’m posting this message to inform you all of my intent to write again. I don’t know when I will be updating as of yet as I need to go over everything I have written and all my notes for Loving You Again before I can actually start writing anything. I’m hoping that if all goes well that I can get a new a new chapter up by the end of May at the earliest. So yeah, it may be a bit longer, but I’m just letting you guys know so you all don’t think I’ve abandoned my story or you. 
          I hope you all are doing well and I hope to see you all again very soon. 
          Wishing you all the best ❤️


I just recently found your books and I’m loving every story <3 I’m glad you are back and take all the time you need to write ^^


@Whatever81 yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Hello beautiful people,
          I regret to tell you that I’ve officially put Loving You Again on hold indefinitely. I have been going through a lot in my personal life as of late and I’m just not capable of writing right now. I have not and will not give up on it. If you have been following me since my first book you know that I never forget about my books no matter what, but I’m not sure how long it will be before I can update again. I’m sorry, I know many of you have been waiting a long time as is. I promise you I won’t forget about the book. 
          Anyway, I hope you all are doing okay and are taking care of yourselves. Also, happy new year. I truly hope that this year is better for you all in someway than the last one was. 
          P.S. You can still find me on Twitter in the meantime if you want (Link in my WP bio).


@Whatever81lots of love i hope u overcome whatever u going through 


Hey Beautiful People,
          I know I haven’t updated in a while. If you follow me on Twitter you know I have been working on it. I don’t have any news yet on when the next update will be. I’m here to make a one time request. My girlfriend, @R4inbowlover , just started posting some stories on WP and she is an amazing writer. If would be awesome if you could check her story out, especially if you like the paranormal. Please check her out if you can, thank you. 
          Hope you all are doing well. I wish you all nothing but the best ❤️


Already on it! And take your time with the updates. Perfection takes time 