
Happy -Whatever Holiday you celebrate!


@WorldsInsideMyHead Happy holidays to you too, Kate *hugs* <3


On this day, March 29th, which is dedicated to the veterans of the Vietnam war, I say, "Thank you" and "Welcome Home " to my brother and ALL who served.


Of course I remember you, Pia. I hope you're doing well. I will give my brother your message. like most movies, there's a mixture in platoon, but it was certainly rough and dangerous. Be blessed.


@WorldsInsideMyHead Hi! Remember me? Wow. Please tell your brother thank you for serving! The Vietnam war was before my time, but I learned bits of it in History classes and my brother is an avid fan of the show "Mash" so it highlights a bit on what occurred. Also saw the movie Platoon ... don't know how accurate that war movie is, but it was motivating.


Merry Christmas to all who celebrate. If you don't celebrate, Merry whatever


@WorldsInsideMyHead Merry Christmas to you too, Kat! <3


@Glory_feeling2 The same to you and yours, Pia!


@WorldsInsideMyHead Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!


For anyone who is interested, I am nearing the wrap up of what has become an epic fantasy. While the chapters are below 2K there are a lot of them as the story is in excess of 100K so far and going to be longer. The action keeps rolling along and it's been great fun to write.
          Like 'A Matter of Life and De'Ath' the focus is on mystery and adventure with an undercurrent of romance. It begins with a veteran Battle Mage who becomes a historian after the war and what happens when her research leads her to purchase an property that is rumored to have once been owned by a notorious historical figure who disappeared without a trace over a thousand years ago.


Does anyone know of a good, currently active profile that focuses on no-smut stories? Alternatively, if there isn't one currently active, would anyone be interested in supporting such a profile?
          Wattpad seems to have no real interest in promoting this particular niche, especially in romance.
          I want to hear from you on this.


You know, a reading list on the Romance profile that emphasizes no-smut romance would be helpful. I would just like to see a place where readers who don't want smut can go to look for something without having to wade through all the smut. And please, don't suggest using tags #nosmut is full of smut.


@WorldsInsideMyHead @WorldsInsideMyHead Hi! Sorry don't know about that one. But there's a new profile called Watt-dragons. Yes, I'd support a profile that has no-smut stories.


I made a decision to reduce my average chapter size from 3/3.5 K to 1.5 /2K. In one of my current WIP's (I have three going) it has resulted in 37 chapters—I'm not even halfway through the story—when I've just passed the bottom number to qualify as a novel. I may have a short story to post soon. I don't want to begin posting before I have something substantially finished, so as not to leave my readers waiting if i slow down. Thank you for your patience.


After many weeks, the last chapter is published and 'A Matter of Life and De'Ath is complete.  I am currently considering which of my current WIP's I will post next. I may not decide until after the new year. To my faithful readers, thank you for sticking with me. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Adn, as always, if a side character caught your interest, let me know. I may have a story for them.