
Hello there...don't hate me for taking so long...but! I've just posted the next chapter of 'Bree'! Does that make up for it??? I promise: it's (probably) worth the wait :D, and the next chapters I have planned should make up for my tardiness. And! I'm currently working on writing the next chapter :DDDD See you soon~


Hello there...don't hate me for taking so long...but! I've just posted the next chapter of 'Bree'! Does that make up for it??? I promise: it's (probably) worth the wait :D, and the next chapters I have planned should make up for my tardiness. And! I'm currently working on writing the next chapter :DDDD See you soon~


I just want to let you know I’m bawling my eyes out right now because of the simple fact I couldn’t find the story her sisters fiancé and I had been reading it for days and then when I went back on Wattpad, it wasn’t in my continue reading list in our search, the web high and low for this story You are an amazing writer❤️


Hi do you plan to complete    a Lord's  choice?


@lincairns yes, I do! I am currently so busy with my school and work schedule, however, that I barely have almost no time to write. Once summer break arrives, I will be able to work on it more, but as of now, it tragically has to take the back seat :\


Happy New Year!!! I've just posted another chapter of 'Bree'! I know I didn't manage to get it posted before the new year, but hopefully, the content will make up for the delay! Personally, I'm super excited for what I have planned for the next few chapters, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for at least one more update before I return to the painfulness of school life <<3


@WriterByNight12 yup they're peeled already


@WriterByNight12, this is a nice New Year gift. Thank you!!! And welcome back!!! I've missed this story<3


Just opened Wattpad after awhile and Ohh my, there's no better gift then getting a notification from you on new year,  well... I'm late but WISH U A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR dear AUTHOR ❤️Love You and Your Creations very much...I will look forward to more lovely updates from you.


@WriterByNight12 the chapters...well i know I'm absolutely gonna love love love them


@Snehalzzz07 I'm glad you are back! I wish you a late Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year, dear reader!!! I'm so glad you happened upon my book! Having you has been such a pleasure, and I look forward to hearing what you think of the next few chapters I have planned <333


Thanks for the update ! It made my day 


I always enjoy your writing you are the only writer that leaves me in total suspense of what will happen next and I read every day


@bruscinotammy you're so welcome! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!