
To the ones calling me sir, I'm a ma'am BWAHAHA, but anyways, thank you so much for your support! And yes I am not dead, well, physically that is. I just turned 17 years old this year (to those who saw my works when I was 14, I'm grateful your still here). 
          	- love Xander


@Xandersheren Thanks for updating, The fifth brother! I've been waiting since last year!


To the ones calling me sir, I'm a ma'am BWAHAHA, but anyways, thank you so much for your support! And yes I am not dead, well, physically that is. I just turned 17 years old this year (to those who saw my works when I was 14, I'm grateful your still here). 
          - love Xander


@Xandersheren Thanks for updating, The fifth brother! I've been waiting since last year!