
guys don’t worry I swear I’m still alive. I’ve actually been writing, but I want to make sure I’ll actually follow through with this project before I post any of it because, well, you know me 


I’m just in a silly goofy mood ig 


Hello friendsss
          Can you believe it’s September? I know it’s already the 7th but still, it doesn’t feel like it. Everything feels surreal now though, doesn’t it? 
          Anywho, here’s my daily dosage of chapters to you guys. Two more chapters of “The Path to Redemption” have been published, so I believe that makes 12 chapters posted in all ?? I’m probably wrong but whatever, its an estimated guess Bc I’m too bored to check. 
          Have a great night everyone and I’ll be back tomorrow with more :))


I’m backkkk
          It’s been a few days but look, three more chapters posted !! Who would’ve thought I had the patience to reread three chapters that I’ve already read hundreds of times and then publish them ?? What an incredulous idea (look at me using smart words—no, I didn’t look at thesaurus why would you think that). 
          Anyways, schools starting up for me soon. Huzzah. So I hope all of y’all are doing good and staying away from miss rona. 
          Till next time my friends :))


          I’ve finally gotten around to posting two more chapters for “The Path to Redemption.” This is the sequel to “Defying Destiny” so enjoy loves 
          I’ll try to post more during the week, but I’m trying to edit the chapters before I publish them so bear with me ahah. I’m trying to make them ✨readable✨
          But anyways have a good day and wish me luck with continuing to try and be more productive with this novel :))


Hello friends! 
          It’s been a long time since I’ve posted here ahaha, but I just started posting some chapters to yet another book I’m writing. This one is actually the sequel to “Defying Destiny” so if you haven’t read that one please go give it a try. Currently, four chapters of the sequel are out, but I plan to update more today. Thanks !!
          Have a good day and stay healthy from miss rona :))


Hey everyone!! 
          I hope you’ve all been well during these times of trouble and that you’ve all been staying safe as well. 
          I’ve been using this free time to do some writing for fun, and although these stories won’t be for everyone to see for a little while, I still hope you all check out “my own killer,” my most recent work :)) 
          Stay safe everyone and have a great week