
Hi friends! Yes, I'm not dead. Yes, I'm dying, thanks to uni. BUT I AM STILL ALIVE. For now.
          	Considering that I still haven't managed to complete Stealing Moments, I've now decided to give nanowrimo a shot. Doing this during a busy semester may not be the best idea but at least I'll have a proper ass-kicking urging me on to finish me story! :D 
          	For all my fellow wattpaders doing nano this year, add me! Let's kick each other's asses and motivate each other to WRITE. 
          	Friendly wattpad-neighbourhood author, Zee. 


TBSLB is sooo awesome, it seriously deserves an award!!! I was literally gushing about it to a fellow friend on wattpad. I'm srsly gonna read and vote and comment and support allll of your books. You r an amazing author who deserves nothing but the best!!!!❤️
          TBSLB is gonna go on my list of favourites, mathew's love..♥️♥️♥️♥️.. I want sm1 like that, he is so persistent to get emma back and in a positive way, not in the obesessive possessive freak way in most books. Poor guy.... always in the sidelines.... putting Emma's happiness b4 his own. He's my fav character 
          (Ranting complete )
          Luv u author and keep writing!!!!!!❣️


Just a quick question, did you take down the second book of TBSLB? just because i went to read through the trees and it said it was the third one?


*TBSLB was book 1 and Sandra's story was book 2. 


@AnonNovelWriter @AnonNovelWriter hey! Yes I took it down. Initially it was supposed to be a series. TBSPB was book 2, and through the trees was book 3. 
            There was supposed to be a book 1 (Sandra's story - aka Nicholas' parents). And then a book 4 which wrapped it all together. 
            But for now, for the foreseeable future at least, that series has been shelved, I'm sorry. Rn I'm working on Stealing Moments and my undergrads thesis.
            Have a good day! 


Hi, just finished reading your book 'the boy she left behind' and just wanna say I've never seen anything like it .It was so deep and its too awesome.


@Fateh02 Aw man thanks! This means a great deal to me ❤


Hi! I just read your book 'The Boy She Left Behind' and can I just say I love you


@melon_zz Can I just say that I love you, too, especially for this comment ❤


Hey!! I just read your book the boy she left behind... And needless to say the sentiments are soo high. It was so heart wrenching. Tell me one thing did sth like this ever happen in real Life or you were inspired by the vow? I can't imagine a person like Matthew. So sad. I could feel his sadness....


@Zaryswell hey! Thank you for your comment! 
            And no this didn't happen to me irl, and it also wasn't inspired by The vow though yes it has been compared quite often lol. 
            It actually came from a prompt I saw on pinterest. Instantly it made me think of a girl opening some guy's wallet to find a picture of him and her together, but the catch would be that to the girl the guy would be a stranger. Hence came the scene mentioned the story's blurb, and then the rest of the story followed. 
            And Mathew was the loving, kind, and broken person my teen mind made up to complete the story.


Lolzz, now I feel scared to read d story, I wouldn't wanna start crying ..


You should totally write about what happened to Emma & Matthew in the year they re feel in love!


@Leroux4 Fun fact: there actually was a short story in the works once upon a time that highlighted some major scenes in their love story pre and post the events of TBSLB 


Hi friends! Yes, I'm not dead. Yes, I'm dying, thanks to uni. BUT I AM STILL ALIVE. For now.
          Considering that I still haven't managed to complete Stealing Moments, I've now decided to give nanowrimo a shot. Doing this during a busy semester may not be the best idea but at least I'll have a proper ass-kicking urging me on to finish me story! :D 
          For all my fellow wattpaders doing nano this year, add me! Let's kick each other's asses and motivate each other to WRITE. 
          Friendly wattpad-neighbourhood author, Zee. 