
also in love w @sarahatthedisco168 ‘s profile girl be looking relishing w all my works. I don’t think I can ever be appropriative enough for each and everything you’ve done for me. Thank you so much precious love you 


@achillies- You know me - there's never gonna be a time where I don't come back to you and appreciate all that you've made for me. They're practically art in my eyes and if there's one thing I don't do is that I don't waste art as good as yours and take advantage of someone as talented and amazing as you. I'll forever be your number one cheerleader, love you most <3


Hello! I'm hosting a cover contest, and would love for you to enter. Prizes include and award sticker, and a shoutout on my message board including a link to your shop. The first place winning cover will be used as the cover for the book that this contest revolves around. All participants and those who are being invited to enter (such as yourself) will receive an unconditional follow. 
          If you'd rather not enter, let me know or ignore this message. For more information, please check out the June 2019 Cover Contest in my graphics shop. ♡
          Thank you,
          Emma Michelle


also in love w @sarahatthedisco168 ‘s profile girl be looking relishing w all my works. I don’t think I can ever be appropriative enough for each and everything you’ve done for me. Thank you so much precious love you 


@achillies- You know me - there's never gonna be a time where I don't come back to you and appreciate all that you've made for me. They're practically art in my eyes and if there's one thing I don't do is that I don't waste art as good as yours and take advantage of someone as talented and amazing as you. I'll forever be your number one cheerleader, love you most <3