
I need all of your honest opinions! I started writing Sealed Lips 5 years ago and i updated some chapter then i had a two year break and then posted again and waited two years again until i picked it up and finished it. The algorithm for the book was totally messed up and I want to know if you guys think that I should repost it? I won’t delete it I will just make a new book and republish it and see how it does. Would you guys read it again?


@agirlypage dont take down the book i am reading it halfway:( if u do i would be crying tears for the rest of my life....but the choice is up to you tho..


Forgot to tag you @agirlypage


I completely agree with @SophiTrupia because although the republish version will be polished and really good, your old one will still get many more readers because of the fact that it has 14k reads and people are naturally attracted to that. In my opinion, instead of making a new polished version, you should edit your old version. BUT STILL, it’s totally your choice and you should do whatever the hell YOU feel like doing, this is just what I personally would do xx


I need all of your honest opinions! I started writing Sealed Lips 5 years ago and i updated some chapter then i had a two year break and then posted again and waited two years again until i picked it up and finished it. The algorithm for the book was totally messed up and I want to know if you guys think that I should repost it? I won’t delete it I will just make a new book and republish it and see how it does. Would you guys read it again?


@agirlypage dont take down the book i am reading it halfway:( if u do i would be crying tears for the rest of my life....but the choice is up to you tho..


Forgot to tag you @agirlypage


I completely agree with @SophiTrupia because although the republish version will be polished and really good, your old one will still get many more readers because of the fact that it has 14k reads and people are naturally attracted to that. In my opinion, instead of making a new polished version, you should edit your old version. BUT STILL, it’s totally your choice and you should do whatever the hell YOU feel like doing, this is just what I personally would do xx


I am very happy to announce that I am currently writing a new book. I will let you all know when it will be posted, so stay tuned! Thank you for all of the support on Sealed Lips x Let me know down below if you would be interested to read the new book called: Famously Undercover


@Ciagill so happy to hear that! I’m working really hard on it ◡̈ 


@agirlypage I would love to read your book..❤


me too soph!!