
hi there,
          	i just wanted to come on here and say thank you for all my support on my book 'Billionaire Business Deal', it means everything to me. Don't forget to comment and vote on my chapters so that other people can find it. 
          	Thank you all again and hold tight for the update coming sometime tomorrow!


Hi, my name is Eloïse. I have 15 years and I'm French. I wanted to know what GCSE IS. In France, we don't have this.


And thank you for the information


So for me, who planned to continue my studies in Canada, it's a bit of a mess because there's a big chances that I'll have to pass equivalencies


OK, you see us in France it's college then high school and then university


hi there,
          i just wanted to come on here and say thank you for all my support on my book 'Billionaire Business Deal', it means everything to me. Don't forget to comment and vote on my chapters so that other people can find it. 
          Thank you all again and hold tight for the update coming sometime tomorrow!


Wow hi,
          I’m back. 
          I thought that during this time we all need a new story to escape to. 
          So here I am, logging back in to give you guys a brand new book straight from the creative boredom building in my head. 
          Keep an eye out for my new story “New World” that I will start writing in a minute. 
          WHAT YOU CAN DO:
          During the current pandemic, we need to do our bit and save the life’s of ourselves and others. 
          Wash your hands for 20 seconds. 
          Only leave for essentials. 
          Stay home!
          I cannot stress this enough. Sadly I lost a family member to Covid 19, he had no health issues and was middle aged. No ones invincible. So do your bit, stay home and save the world. 


Sorry for your lost  hope you and your family are okay. And I’m happy your back again 


Ello all! 
          So I’m an hour away from my last exam which means that after that all I have left is prom and then uploading will be more frequent. 
          I’m not gonna have dedicated uploading days cause I have tried that before and it stressed me out. However, I will try to upload at least once a week with chapters making it to 1,500 words which is 700 more than recently. 
          Please be patient with me but in the meantime tell your friends of the book or vote  or comment. 
          Don’t just comment “updateeeee” I want proper comments. I am more than happy for you to say “I want ..... to happen”- actually comment like that cause it will help me if anything. 
          I’m glad you have been so loyal and have waited for me to upload again, 
          Much love 


Hey all. So my GCSEs are 5 school days away so I won’t be uploading or editing because these exams mean a lot in England(determines what u do in college and in the real world). Bad GCSEs = bad future, and I want an easy job. Jk jk. But yeah sorry but all books are currently on hold but I’m so excited to tell u that I am planning a new book that I cannot wait to share with you all in the summer. Enjoy what ever your doing and I will see u in July!