
Dear Awesome Followers,
          	I think you guys are awesome, but I must leave you for now until the end of the year when I return. I really want to focus on The Moment I Fall in Love - 101 Short Love Scenes(which will probably be renamed soon), so I'm banning my use of the internet. Plus, since it's the holidays, I should really spend it with family. So I will be saying adieu for now. See you all again Jan. 7, 2013.
          	I will be updating in the between. I'd appreciate comments and critiques and votes, of course. If you'd like me to read something, I'll check it out when I get back. Just send me a PM with the link.
          	Thanks Everybody,
          	Antony ^_^


come back soon :)


Have a great Christmas and New Year Anthony. Enjoy the break. :-)


Dear Awesome Followers,
          I think you guys are awesome, but I must leave you for now until the end of the year when I return. I really want to focus on The Moment I Fall in Love - 101 Short Love Scenes(which will probably be renamed soon), so I'm banning my use of the internet. Plus, since it's the holidays, I should really spend it with family. So I will be saying adieu for now. See you all again Jan. 7, 2013.
          I will be updating in the between. I'd appreciate comments and critiques and votes, of course. If you'd like me to read something, I'll check it out when I get back. Just send me a PM with the link.
          Thanks Everybody,
          Antony ^_^


come back soon :)


Have a great Christmas and New Year Anthony. Enjoy the break. :-)


Hey Anthony!  Thanks for checking out Stolen Hearts!  :)


It sounds good, and the cover looks amazing!


@anthonykz Wow!  Thanks so much!  :)  I can hardly wait to share it!  I really hope you like it!


Can't wait for Boy in the Woods!


Then you did a good job, a proper critique should educate the author, I suck at doing them because I'm always afraid of hurting someone's feelings.


So true. I worry about that too, but I've decided that if they're going to ask for a critique, I'm going to give them a real one. Everyone seems appreciative for the honesty, and if they aren't, they can just delete my comment.