
I promise I still use this app - I just don't write as much as I used to, let alone read (there's quite a bit in my library I really SHOULD read). Most times I check my notifications. 
          	I've been tossing the idea to put my stories on another writing platform as of late, too. Don't get me wrong, Wattpad has been the only writing site I've used ever in my life. But let's be honest, it's nowhere near what it was back when I first joined in 2012.
          	Multi-site authors, what other websites do you post your stories too? Is it worth it?


@arrow_to_the_heart I post on Ao3, and yes, it's totally worth it. It has a more thorough tag system for searching fanfics.


@ arrow_to_the_heart  I don't write much. But I read on other sites and Ao3 is good, in my opinion :) 


glad to still see you around, prim! <3 i'm currently doing the permanent move over to inkitt (its well on its way). since it functions a lot how old wattpad used to be (just avoid their contests and contracts and you should be good). another ones i've heard of is ream, royal road, and tapas. but for fanfics, inkitt and ao3 looks good. 


I promise I still use this app - I just don't write as much as I used to, let alone read (there's quite a bit in my library I really SHOULD read). Most times I check my notifications. 
          I've been tossing the idea to put my stories on another writing platform as of late, too. Don't get me wrong, Wattpad has been the only writing site I've used ever in my life. But let's be honest, it's nowhere near what it was back when I first joined in 2012.
          Multi-site authors, what other websites do you post your stories too? Is it worth it?


@arrow_to_the_heart I post on Ao3, and yes, it's totally worth it. It has a more thorough tag system for searching fanfics.


@ arrow_to_the_heart  I don't write much. But I read on other sites and Ao3 is good, in my opinion :) 


glad to still see you around, prim! <3 i'm currently doing the permanent move over to inkitt (its well on its way). since it functions a lot how old wattpad used to be (just avoid their contests and contracts and you should be good). another ones i've heard of is ream, royal road, and tapas. but for fanfics, inkitt and ao3 looks good. 


In my SPN rewatch, oh it just makes me miss my fics! I've got a lil bit of everything. What are you in the mood for in the world of SPN?
          Want a toxic demon relationship?:
          An AU where four badasses get a second chance?:
          a trilogy that gives you all the FEELS?:
          my first ever angel OC?:
          my OG Dean fic?:
          my OG Sam fic?:
          or how about my latest SPN fic?:


I really wish stories just wrote themselves sometimes. Like, I know what you want to be - just do it yourself!


@arrow_to_the_heart Yes! As you're imagining the scenarios in your head, they automatically are written down.


@arrow_to_the_heart pls this would make life so much easier


Alrighty, folks. Even though Bloodline still has one more update day (this coming Wednesday), I marked the book as COMPLETE, as I will probably forget to do so when this book is actually finished. If you're like me and like to read books once they're completely finished, well, go add this AU fic to your lists!
          For those who have been reading Bloodline as updates have come out, I sincerely appreciate you giving this idea a chance. It evolved a lot before it came to Wattpad. I really hope you've enjoyed a different story within the big SPN world!


@arrow_to_the_heart| It's been amazing. Thanks for your hard work!


Alright, Bloodline readers! We've only got a handful of updates left before this book is COMPLETE. Wanna know the rest of the update dates? Take a look!
          12/25 (merry christmas! just one chapter though)
          1/1/24 (happy new year! again just one chapter)
          1/10 (the final two updates!)
          I can't say for sure what 2024 will bring new book wise. I guess we'll find out together!
          Any SPN fans who are looking for a daughter!fic AU that (tries) to stand out from all the rest, go read Bloodline! A good portion of the book is ready to be read by you:


Just curious: if I were to cook up an idea that involves a certain vigilante named Nightwing with a badass b**** of an OC, would anyone read? It'd be an AU, outside of the Titans TV universe.
          this is of course in its infant stages, but it's been nagging me the last few days. and you know what they say? if it sticks around long enough, there's a story to be had!