
Sorry to abandon ongoing fics, but I just don’t foresee myself finishing anything. The muse is gone for these works. 
          	I did post a fic over on an alt account @callingallghosts (idk if that actually tagged or not but oh well). It’s not 5H related at all. Feel free to check it out if you like. I suppose I could post it here, and maybe I will later? Idk. 


@battlecry7473 I was hoping for an update for the safest place, but if it's off the table, I get it. You just keep going, and do what you want to :)


Sorry to abandon ongoing fics, but I just don’t foresee myself finishing anything. The muse is gone for these works. 
          I did post a fic over on an alt account @callingallghosts (idk if that actually tagged or not but oh well). It’s not 5H related at all. Feel free to check it out if you like. I suppose I could post it here, and maybe I will later? Idk. 


@battlecry7473 I was hoping for an update for the safest place, but if it's off the table, I get it. You just keep going, and do what you want to :)


I still haven’t quite committed to posting here again. But I did make a secret new account and published a story for a completely different fandom there. We’ll see what I do here, but I do have a chapter I was working on before I disappeared. Maybe I’ll finish it hmmm 


Disappeared once again. Is anyone out there still interested in updates to fics I have not touched in approaching a year? 


@battlecry7473 your stories are a highlight of my reading list


I reread safest place at least once a month. It’s one of the best I’ve ever read. Tbf I think like most of my top 5 are your fics


Brief update: I have been dealing with personal things, and it's left me unmotivated to write here. I do not know when I'll be back to writing, but I'm trying to get back to a good spot.


Don’t worry about it, we’ll be here when you feel like writing again, take care of yourself 


I know it's been a few weeks since my last update, but unfortunately 'This Is the Safest Place I've Ever Known' will have to take a bit longer of a hiatus. Maybe I'll get something out this week, but chances are it'll be a bit longer before an update comes. Many apologies and much thanks for everyone who has read and supported the fic so far.


No problem at all! Do not rush at the expense of your needs. We can all be patient and shower the new chapter with love while we wait. <3
            (I’ll also be rereading this and your other works bc your writing is comforting and familiar)


@ battlecry7473  Okayyy


@battlecry7473 we'll always be here to read as soon as new stuff comes out, take as much time as you need