
Hi everyone!
          	I am not sure how many active users still follow me or even remember me, but I just wanted to give a quick update...
          	I first joined Wattpad in 2013 and started writing a book called "Reasons To Love A Nerd Like Me"... Over the next few years this book went on a massive journey, gaining over 2 million reads, thousands of wonderful comments from readers and sparking further books in the series such as "Could You Love An Apple?" which I went on to self-publish on Amazon Kindle.
          	I have been so grateful to every single person who read these books and connected with my stories, it meant so much and helped me discover a whole new dream of becoming an author.
          	I am now so happy to announce that I am represented by Bath Literary Agency where not only am I working on brand new stories to pitch out to publishers, but also a revamped version of Reasons To Love A Nerd Like Me. I cannot believe this little book has gone from Wattpad, to self-publishing, to potentially being taken by a real life publishing company and going to print. It really is a dream come true and I have everything crossed that Scotty, Vincent, Taylor and Benjamin will all find their forever home in the future.
          	It is a VERY long and slow process, and there are no guarantees in this business at all, so right now it's a "Hopefully" rather than "Definitely"... But in the meantime I have had to take the stories down from Wattpad and Amazon Kindle.  I just wanted to explain my absence and reasons for taking the stories down. And also to say thank you so so much to all the people who believed in my writing and helped me make it this far. I'll make sure to keep you posted!
          	I hope you are all well and surviving these weird COVID days - sending much love to each and every one of you!


@beakyboo congratulations looking forward to the new versions


@beakyboo Most welcome and thank you so much! I really appreciate it! :)


          Sorry to bother, but i really loved your "Could you love an apple?" And i tried to search for it on Amazon, also any link using Goodreads, but couldn't find it. Could you kindly help. Thank you.


@A-little-magic Hi there! I actually took the book down because of getting a book agent, but if you'd like to read it then send me your email :)


Hello! Just like to ask, is there any platform where I can read "Would you love an apple" as well as the A-Z one shots of Ben and Taylor? They are my OTP forever and I noticed its not on Amazon. Thanks!


@thecoolghost08 Yes if you DM me your email then I will send it to you. If you can possibly leave a Goodreads review in return it would be much appreciated! :)


@thecoolghost08 Omg are u serious?? Thank u so much, Id love that! Do I just message it to you here or..?


@thecoolghost08 Aww thank you so much! I actually took them down because I have an agent now and have been reworking the books for editors... But if you DM me your email I can send you a copy :)


          I was on Wattpad quite a while ago and I remember loving your book “Could You Love An Apple”. It’s been that little ear worm that I can’t quite get out of my head. I’ve spent some time looking for it on Amazon, but was unable to find it. I am happy to hear that you’ll be publishing new versions of the books! I’m looking forward to reading them!


@XxHadiferxX Hi there, thanks so much for your message! I'm so happy you enjoyed Could You Love An Apple so much - I took the books down off Amazon because of pitching them out, but if you DM me your email I would be happy to send you a copy :)


Hi everyone!
          I am not sure how many active users still follow me or even remember me, but I just wanted to give a quick update...
          I first joined Wattpad in 2013 and started writing a book called "Reasons To Love A Nerd Like Me"... Over the next few years this book went on a massive journey, gaining over 2 million reads, thousands of wonderful comments from readers and sparking further books in the series such as "Could You Love An Apple?" which I went on to self-publish on Amazon Kindle.
          I have been so grateful to every single person who read these books and connected with my stories, it meant so much and helped me discover a whole new dream of becoming an author.
          I am now so happy to announce that I am represented by Bath Literary Agency where not only am I working on brand new stories to pitch out to publishers, but also a revamped version of Reasons To Love A Nerd Like Me. I cannot believe this little book has gone from Wattpad, to self-publishing, to potentially being taken by a real life publishing company and going to print. It really is a dream come true and I have everything crossed that Scotty, Vincent, Taylor and Benjamin will all find their forever home in the future.
          It is a VERY long and slow process, and there are no guarantees in this business at all, so right now it's a "Hopefully" rather than "Definitely"... But in the meantime I have had to take the stories down from Wattpad and Amazon Kindle.  I just wanted to explain my absence and reasons for taking the stories down. And also to say thank you so so much to all the people who believed in my writing and helped me make it this far. I'll make sure to keep you posted!
          I hope you are all well and surviving these weird COVID days - sending much love to each and every one of you!


@beakyboo congratulations looking forward to the new versions


@beakyboo Most welcome and thank you so much! I really appreciate it! :)


Hi, i love your stories and really love the  Could you love an apple ? ... I tried to find it on Amazon but cant locate it .. could you please provide the link .. thank you


@A-little-magic Hi there! Thanks so much for your message - I am afraid I have taken the books down from Amazon Kindle, the reason being that I now have a book agent who is pitching the series to publishing companies, and I was advised to take the old versions offline. However, if you would like to read it then please send me a DM with your email!


i loved your whispers beneath the waves , so so much. and im so glad to see that your doing more with your work outside of wattpad!, are you ever planning on doing more with whispers beneath the waves? 


@ch3wysshelf Hi there! Thank you so much for your comment, I'm really happy you loved Whispers Beneath The Waves :) I have recently signed with a book agent and have been working on a few new projects as well as revamping my book "Reasons To Love A Nerd Like Me".  Because of that, I don't have current plans to return to Lennon and Kye just yet, but I am so happy people loved their story and when the timing is right I'd love to go back to them!


Hallo beautiful author! I am very sad that you are not as active anymore.. I love your books very much and would like to continue reading more of your works..
          Ps:I really like your song "Light On"


@BlitzFiend88 Thanks so much! And yes, it is my dream to make this my career and unfortunately  if I am pitching my stories to publishers they want them to be exclusive. But hopefully in the future my books will be real physical books in book stores eek! :) Thank you so much for the support from Phillippines!!


@BlitzFiend88 awe shucks you make me blush!
            Very sad to hear you won't be able to post stuff for free anymore but I guess people gotta do what they gotta do!
            Lots of love to you too from Philippines❤️


@BlitzFiend88 Hi there! Thank you so much for this lovely message, I'm so happy you like my books and my song too :) 
            Actually there is a reason I have stopped being active on Wattpad and that is because I now have an official literary agent who is pitching out my work to publishers! Because of this I can't put anything out for free anymore, but I'm hoping I will be lucky enough to have books professionally published in the future, fingers crossed.
            Thanks so much for the support, sending love from UK!