Hi love!

I don't know how you came to find my page but I'd like to say a few things before you leave. Stick around for a second!


First- You are a beautiful soul. You're not your body. You're a soul, who has a body. You are far too incredible to be smothered by insecurities fed to you by the world.

Second- You should drink some water. Water the seeds of your being. Keep at your best because you are more than worth it.

Third- No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. A strong woman once said that. Listen to her. Because you are not what others have done to you. Because one day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through, and it will be someone else's survival guide. Stay for them. Stay for you.

If you read through all that, I hope you're having a good morning, evening, or night where ever you are in the world. Just know that you're not alone. There are roughly 7.7 billion humans on this planet, don't lose faith in living life. Because all those people are here too. Their living right beside you, and some of them may be the best people that you just haven't met yet.

Message me if you ever need anything ( ~she/her~ )! No matter how random, dark, sweet, sad. I don't care. I'm just someone that's been through it. Still goes through it. I get it. I see you. I hear you.


If you want to poke around my page, I've read some really great books in my 6 years on this app. Here is a guide for the oddly named folders:

1. Quintessential -> my all-time favorites
2. Encantar -> romance/love/erotic themes
3. Waggish -> funny/comedic stories
4. Scintillating -> dramatic stories
5. Arcane -> vampire/werewolf/supernatural
6. Hackneyed -> decent stories
7. Vorfreude -> to be read (TBR)
  • Watching the entirety of the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the billionth time
  • JoinedJuly 3, 2017