
So... I’m writing a book about a girl who will be in a girl band and it’s like the Larry history is repeating itself so the girl falls in love with one of her bandmates and people start shipping them and then some stuff happen. Larry, Nialler, Zaynie and Lima are involved in this story too. Should i post the story when I’m done writing it?



Yes of course i will love <3


So... I’m writing a book about a girl who will be in a girl band and it’s like the Larry history is repeating itself so the girl falls in love with one of her bandmates and people start shipping them and then some stuff happen. Larry, Nialler, Zaynie and Lima are involved in this story too. Should i post the story when I’m done writing it?


Guys... what’s Duplicity about and should i read it?


@Hazzalou2628 it is a well written wattpad fanfiction. notice how i said "wattpad" bc its like the y/n and like 2014 kinda vibes. its not bad but its not THAT good. juat ur usuall teenage fanfiction. larrie authors and fics are way better if u ask me. u wont miss out if u don't read it, ur choice
            (ps soooo sorry for replying this late oopa)