
I feel bad I said I would update my book and didn’t do it. I’m such a failure I JUST FEEL LIKE NO ONE WANTS TO READ IT IDEK someone hype me up 


@chrisrocks247 I do not even know what it is about, and I would actually read it xd


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@chrisrocks247 idk.. m not a writer or something but you are actually pretty good.. you don't have to update often.. ik writers get that writer block or something.. give yourself a break if you need.. and not everyone starts out with a million subscribers, everything gradually increases.. just believe in yourself and anyone who reads your story.. (it's not the case but if it makes you feel better even if no one reads it.. write it for yourself or something..) in short do the best and you will always have people supporting you.. (shit I did this!?)


@chrisrocks247 Aaaand, I'm adding all your books to my library to read over the summer!! Can't wait to get a start on already after these stress-worthy exams are out of the way!