As a YA author, I write exciting, fantastical stories about teens and tweens discovering the power in and around them, that something-extra special-sauce quality that makes the mundane magical. If you like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, you'll like my stories, too.

As a reader, I like a little bit of everything but I mostly gravitate to fantasy in all its forms (urban, paranormal, epic, dark, high) and sci-fi (when the science doesn't leave me in the dust). I read a lot of YA and MG books because I'm fascinated by young people doing amazing things. That's a kind of magic the world could use more of!

I'm also a librarian, wife, Diet Coke addict, and fast-food lover. I watch way more TV than I should with the excuse that it's all in the name of studying plot and character development. And I plan to be a hybrid author, with both traditionally published and self-published books, but we'll see how it goes.

Thanks for visiting me on Wattpad. I look forward to getting to know you!
  • Wisconsin
  • JoinedJanuary 7, 2015


2 Reading Lists