
Hello all my lovely followers! It's been a hot second since I've been on Wattpad. I've mostly been using A03 for my fanfictions, but I've missed it here too! I updated a new story, an original, called The Time Capsule. This is part of a three book series, and I am currently writing Book Two: The Dream Writer. If this interests you at all, please check it out and vote! Thank you for reading this post, if anyone does lol


Hello all my lovely followers! It's been a hot second since I've been on Wattpad. I've mostly been using A03 for my fanfictions, but I've missed it here too! I updated a new story, an original, called The Time Capsule. This is part of a three book series, and I am currently writing Book Two: The Dream Writer. If this interests you at all, please check it out and vote! Thank you for reading this post, if anyone does lol


Hello everyone! I have returned. I hope you didn't miss me too much. I have come back from a scary sucidal downspiral and in so, deleted my story, Always- loosing 200,000 views. I was devastated, as I'm sure are all of you. This story means so much to me, and so many of you. 
          Because of this, I am adding the first two years to the story as I slowly put my works back up!
          You can find me on archiveofourown as well, under the user name Spymaster13. I hope you all enjoy the first two years of Hogwarts for Violet Potter!


@timeladyjamie thank you! Im happy to be back. I still have Always all written in notebooks, so I'll be uploading it soon!


@donnanoble1234 So glad you are back and sharing your works with us again! <3 All the hugs.


Hey. I know it's been a few years since you last updated Always, but I was wondering if you were going to put in the first and second years? I haven't read it yet, because I don't want to skip ahead if the story is supposed to start earlier lol.


@donnanoble1234 Ya, I'd love 2 read it when/if u make the first 2 years. It sounds rly cool and I'll probably still read it even if u don't tho add the beginning lol, I'd just rather read them all at the same time.


@megannb33 That might be a good project for this summer! Thank you for still being interested, I love that this story still has a fanbase x


@donnanoble1234's I hope we can be friends. You seem awesome and nice and very talented too.


@donnanoble1234's yay :) it would totally be awesome 


@ScottMcCallsGirl Haha I'll definitely keep that in mind :)


@donnanoble1234's And if they have a daughter they should name it Lily after Harry's and Violets mother. :)