
Hey!! I promise I didn’t disappear again lol. I’m actually in the middle of writing something! It’s really short, but depressing af. I’m waiting to finish all chapters before I begin posting :). So watch out for that!! I promise it’s heartbreaking, I can’t help myself. 
          	- faye :)


Hey!! I promise I didn’t disappear again lol. I’m actually in the middle of writing something! It’s really short, but depressing af. I’m waiting to finish all chapters before I begin posting :). So watch out for that!! I promise it’s heartbreaking, I can’t help myself. 
          - faye :)


Hey guys! How are you all? 
          This is just a little disclaimer for stay this little, because the chapter layout will be different. 
          So, as we all know currently Ellie is a newborn, but throughout my chapters she will be aged differently. Her birthday is 12/09/16, and in different chapters (depending on how I decide completely how I’m gonna do it) she will be different ages. In one chapter she might be three months… in another maybe she could be two years… and in another she could be a newborn again. This is better for me because the newborn stage specifically is so hard to write. I keep coming up with different stories for different ages that might be a while away, too. So for me, this is the best way to work around me and my (very little) motivation. 
          So in every chapter, I’m gonna have the date on top, and maybe just a little paragraph explaining where the bates/ Romero family are at! 
          I hope this is okay for you guys, and I’m currently working on a new chapter!! So hope you all will enjoy :). And I PROMISE.. it’s gonna be something a little different :D. 
          - faye :)


Okay yall let’s pretend I didn’t just obliterate from the existence of the earth . Anyways, how is everybody? I’m doing alright, motivation just went through the window as usual, but luckily I’m on my Easter holidays rn so HOPEFULLY I’ll be able to get even a couple chapters out! Be patient mls, hopefully I’ll be back :D
          - faye :)


Hey people.. 
          Just to let you guys know, the last chapter to impossible journeys might take a while for me to finish. On Friday something happened and it’s taking a toll on me mentally, so the chapter might take a while to post. I appreciate your guys patience but I want to make sure I’m in a good mindset before I worry about anything else. Love you guys, thanks sm. 
          - faye :)


Hey guys! Small little update: 
          So were getting to the end of Norma’s pregnancy! Are we excited? Cause I know I am!! I’m in the middle of writing the new chapter, which might take a while cause as I mentioned we’re getting to the end of Norma’s pregnancy, so rn I’m trying to get the most out of what I created. Thank you for sticking around, I couldn’t have done this without you guys! I appreciate you all from the bottom of my heart. And small question: once baby unicorns born, what would you guys think of me making a new fic for Alex and Norma’s journey through parenthood? I think it would be nice to separate both journeys, since the first would be the journey to Alex and Norma’s new life, and then the second would be them completing what they wanted over the past nine months. So leave your opinions in the comments! Thank you, new chapter hopefully out soon. 
          - faye :)


Hi love! Thanks for replying, I think I will separate them. Not only for making it more simple, but my own personal opinion it’ll be better separated. Thanks!! :)


            I think separating them would be a great idea and wouldn’t discourage all the new lecturers that will look at how many chapters you have  
            Have a great day 


Does anyone have any good name ideas for baby unicorn? I had a name set since before I started writing but now I’m having doubts about it and I wanna change it. So as long as yall want baby unicorn to arrive, please don’t hesitate to dm me here or on my insta (@fayesccc) for any name ideas!! 
          - faye :)


Hi lovely’s, new chapter will be out soon, I promise! I’m around 900 words into it and I’m not even at the main part, I promise you it’ll be worth it! Tbh I never really notice how much time goes by when I’m writing. Before you know it im going like a week without writing and then I see my Wattpad and I’m just like “oh crap-“ so this is kinda on me and i apologise. Thank you for being patient, schools been a pain since I’ve been busy with projects and all that boring stuff. I’m trying my best, and I appreciate everybody’s patience! But don’t worry, if I don’t finish this, I give you all full permission to slap me in the face constantly until I finish it ;). We’re getting close, so don’t worry! Thank you as always for reading my silly little fanfics, I appreciate all of you guys!! :D 
          - faye :) 
          TLDR : thank you for your patience, new chapter will hopefully be out before you know it !! 


Hey guys, new chapter will hopefully be posted within the next couples days! It’s a big one, so watch out :). Anyways, happy new year! I can’t believe it’s 2024 tbh it’s crazy!! Here’s to 2023 and all the memories it brought, but I’m more excited for 2024 :). Love you all! 
          - Faye :)