
it was me/cfs awareness day yesterday so i just want to tell you that you are loved.
          if you struggle with a chronic illness, you are worthy, you are strong, you are believed.
          if someone you love is going through a chronic illness the best thing you can do is support them by researching their condition. They don’t want your remedies, they want your love.
          i love you all, there will be a chapter out asap x 


Hope you and baby are doing well! 
          Let me just say though, I've read this book at the wrong time apparently because I need more updates lol. 
          Glad you're okay though because I wasn't seeing your posts about the baby and was starting to worry about you 


me and baby are good thank you! i hope you are aswell!
            hahah im so sorry! i am trying to write but when i get to it the moment is completely gone!! 
            ill update as soon as i can im so sorry! thank you for being patient with me x


im going to try and write some of the next chapter today!
          life has been so hectic with a new baby but i am so in love with him!
          hope you guys are all okay and im sorry updating is taking so long x


@finelinerz babe istg don't apologise for the updates, writing doesn't exist in the baby world, he's too cute to look at!


after 6 hours in labour and 35 mins of pushing my baby boy was born on the 24th of February at 12:55pm! weighing 7.3! im so in love with him and im so sorry there wont be any updates for a while as newborn life is hard! 
          hope you are all doing well xxx


            Congratulations, Send me hi to your new born 


oh my gosh!! congratulations!!!