
question for serendipity readers (i will also post this on twt)
          	I was originally planning chapters 9 & 10 to be a double update, however, with the sudden writing halt, it's taking too long because I thought I'd have chapter 8 up by now and etc. Chapter 8 is more than halfway done, but now I'm thinking since I've made you guys wait this long for a new chapter what if I post it once I'm done 9 & 10 to give you guys a little treat for being so patient with me? Would you guys like that or do you want me to post 8 when it's complete and keep 9 & 10 as a double update? Please let me know your thoughts! 
          	ily endlessly. xo


question for serendipity readers (i will also post this on twt)
          I was originally planning chapters 9 & 10 to be a double update, however, with the sudden writing halt, it's taking too long because I thought I'd have chapter 8 up by now and etc. Chapter 8 is more than halfway done, but now I'm thinking since I've made you guys wait this long for a new chapter what if I post it once I'm done 9 & 10 to give you guys a little treat for being so patient with me? Would you guys like that or do you want me to post 8 when it's complete and keep 9 & 10 as a double update? Please let me know your thoughts! 
          ily endlessly. xo


Today marks 2 years since I published Sunset Lake. My life has changed in so many ways since writing this book. It’s helped me grow, heal, find confidence and happiness, I could go on & on. This book saved my life and i’m eternally grateful to every single person who’s read it. I hold Sunset Lake, Harry and Matilda, Positano, Grapejuice Blues, Dolcezza, Aurora, Venice, Robert, Niall, Vineyards, Sunrises, Sunsets… I hold it all close to my heart. If there’s anything I wanted readers to take from this tale it’s that YOU ARE THE SUN, no one can take that from you. Thank you for supporting and loving me these past 2 years, you mean more than you’ll ever know to me. I love you endlessly 
          xo Amanda 


hi amanda, wattpad has stopped direct messages so i just wanted to give you my pinterest to text from there!! 


just followed but u gotta follow me back to message 


WHAT THE HECK?? Makes no sense but I’ll message you!!! 


Hi guys, I know it's been a bit since I updated but as I said before I took a break due to a family emergency. I was very very close with my grandma and she sadly passed away. I took time away to be with my family and mourn. I'll miss her forever but I also miss writing. Writing has always been my outlet for when I'm happy, sad, mad, etc and I'm slowly getting back into it. So with that being said, I'm not sure when the next chapter of Serendipity will be out but I am writing it :) Please bear with me and I hope you guys understand. 
          I love you endlessly xo


In case you didn’t see my tweet or don’t follow me on there, I will be taking a step back from wattpad and socials. I’m in the process of redoing my room and living room and then this morning my grandmother was rushed to the hospital. There’s so much going on and although I want to write, it’s best I take a break to be with my family, especially my grandma. Cherish every moment and tell your loved ones how much you love them. You never know what can happen. 
          I love you endlessly. 


Take all the time you need lovely! We’ll be here waiting when you feel comfortable to return! Sending love ❤️


thank you so much for 6k on serendipity. you guys are out of this world and truly make me feel loved and supported. you bring so much sunshine into my life. i love you endlessly. xo


so i was just rereading the new serendipity chapter & i specifically remember adding a small scene in the chapter, however when i read it today it wasn’t there. i unpublished it to add it in, and make sure everything else was there. here is the new link to chapter 6 :) 