
My birthday is in two days and I’m so excited! I’m going to spend it with my mom, who I haven’t seen in a while, so I’m really looking forward to it! ☺️❤️


@gayforddlovato happy early bday! we both have june bdays!


it's been a year since runext started and i still haven't gotten over the fact that jeongeun didn't debut on illit :( AND PEOPLE CLOSE TO HER SAID THAT SHE GAVE UP FROM BEING AN IDOL, LIKE GIRL, YOU ARE AMAZING !! these days a photo of her was leaked and i was missing her so damn much * sobbing so hard * AND MY GIRL JIHYUN IS EXPECTED TO DEBUT STILL THIS YEAR :((( btw, WHERE IS YOUNGSEO ?? like girl, please just post ONE photo so i know you're ok * crying emojis * i miss catseo <3 


Hi, i wanted to ask for favor for the Bbangsaz book. Minji and Hanni is dating during their high school year, Minji was known for being the naughty kid she would fight people up, while Hanni was the perfect student. Hanni knows about Minji’s behavior, She would treat Minji’s wound. The school was confused on why Hanni wanted to date Minji, until Minji start breaking promise to Hanni, She would promise Hanni that she’s promoting the school but just ended up fighting. Minji makes 1 promise which is never gonna fight again, but again lies. Hanni had enough and decided she wanted a breakup, Minji refused and when Hanni ask why she won’t tell Hanni. Minji realised that Hanni was really hurt so she let Hanni go. Hanni doesn’t know but the reason Minji always ended up fighting was because Hanni’s dad hire and sent people to hurt/kill Minji because he doesn’t approve their relationship. Minji decided not to tell Hanni and let her go


Hello Angel,
          I have a Few more of Minji imagines Request! 
          1. Toxic Relationship
          2. You Go Into Labor
          3. You Two Have An Affair ( Series? ) 
          4. She Cheats On Her Girlfriend With you
          5. She Leaves Her Girlfriend For You
          6. She Falls Out Of Love With You
          7. You Get Married To Someone That’s Not Her
          8.  One Sided Love
          Ive seen you’ve been getting lots of request for different imagines so i don’t want you rush! Just take your time and don’t overwhelm yourself! These are my request! Love your stories btw





          I have to admit this is probably the most disgusting thing that anyone has ever done.
          Like, what in the world was he thinking?


Some people are so disgusting. I don’t know what’s wrong with people like that but it’s so gross and he should be ashamed.