
Ahh… See, this is why I need to check my notes more often because I completely skipped over a really good scene I wanted in Love is Evil. I put a lot of the points I wanted to talk about in the scene subconsciously in the most recent chapter I uploaded, but it was meant to happen a little later. This is what I get for having no organizational skills lol. I’ll still try to fit it in somehow and try to salvage it, but if it feels like a repetitive scene, that’s why. A shame cuz I had a good idea for the next few chapters that’ll probably have to be scrapped and butchered now for the sake of this missed part, Or maybe I’ll decide to keep it how it is, who knows? I just really wanted it in. 


@ goldenscares666  Awe it's alright darling. I would say that you should keep it for now and think of some parts that would fit in the scene before it. And even so if that doesn't work,just keep for now until you found a good opening for you to use it.


Random question I’m new to reading Yandere books.. do any of these main characters end up with who they want ? (Obviously the y/n staying willingly ) or there’s no such thing in this genre ? Just curious 


I want that for the characters of “Criminally insane “ lol


I feel like for Yandere stories in general, anything can happen. You might happen upon stories like that, where Y/N will stay willingly for one reason or another, but in others, they might actually end up dying, tortured, imprisoned, etc. It all depends on the sort of character the Yandere is and their level of obsession. So, it’s not impossible to find a story where they get together in the end, but I feel like majority I’ve seen lean towards the harsher side of things.


Golden, in 'Flower Garden', what illness is it that Y/N has? i feel like sickle cell anemia fits in, but i was just wondering 


I actually never had the time to sit down and research diseases, so I just kind of made up symptoms, which is why I never specifically mentioned what was going on with her, but I do think your assumption would fit pretty well.


Hi sorry to bother you Im a huge fan Of your work your an awesome writer I don't want to sound pushy or complain I just wanted to know if and when do you think you'll update flower garden ?


All books are made up as they go on, so unfortunately, I don’t have an answer for that. It just depends on whenever I get the idea and motivation to write up the next chapter. I’m glad you’re liking the stories, though. Hopefully, I can get a new chapter out soon.


Hello, Golden. I noticed that I can't find one of your past books in your works anymore. It revolved around a Red Riding Hood scenario only that the reader ended up getting kidnapped by the wolve character. There were some heavy themes like forced cannibalism and rape between the reader and wolf but it did have a happy ending. What happened to this book?


@Anime174 yep, it’s the same


@goldenscares666, okay thank you. It's a bit strange though since people have written stories with similar guidelines being broken yet they were able to stay up. Wonder why. In any case, thank you. I assume it'll have the same book cover and title, or is it different?


It was against Wattpad guidelines and was removed, but I’ve posted it on Quotev if you’d like to read it there. I’m under the same username there.