
Wow, it's been years since I've been on this site. Well, to whoever is still active and following me, thank you. I can't express how much this site has allowed to me grow as a writer and as a person, and I'll forever be grateful for that. I'm afraid that while I am on this site at the moment, I will not continue to be active anymore (not that I have since 2015). However, I will be not deleting my account as I think it's important to me. Feel free to contact me on here though! I'll try my best to reply. Thank you!


Wow, it's been years since I've been on this site. Well, to whoever is still active and following me, thank you. I can't express how much this site has allowed to me grow as a writer and as a person, and I'll forever be grateful for that. I'm afraid that while I am on this site at the moment, I will not continue to be active anymore (not that I have since 2015). However, I will be not deleting my account as I think it's important to me. Feel free to contact me on here though! I'll try my best to reply. Thank you!