
Update for today list 
          	English Translation :
          	.Deep in fire 5-6
          	.Ask the star to come with the moon 5
          	Indonesia translation on @hana_terjemahan :
          	.Boss and Babe chapter 6-14
          	.Tonight is mine complete
          	. I love the fierce tiget complete
          	Happy reading ❤


@ hanaayukii_  


Update for today list 
          English Translation :
          .Deep in fire 5-6
          .Ask the star to come with the moon 5
          Indonesia translation on @hana_terjemahan :
          .Boss and Babe chapter 6-14
          .Tonight is mine complete
          . I love the fierce tiget complete
          Happy reading ❤


@ hanaayukii_  


Hello readers.
          I need help ! 
          I want to ask several novel that will become series :
          . Dangerous romance
          . Your sky
          . Future for me
          . LA Puile
          . Star in my mind
          . Call my name
          But i dont know the author twitter/ x and facebook
          If you dont mind please help me to find the author so i can ask for permission thanks! You can DM me on twitter or Instagram


I don't have your twitter Or any other social media account so sharing here. Also su su na. I really want to read Call my name. Hope the series comes pit soon too. 


Hello readers!
          It is me as always heheh, i hope you dont feel bored with me updating all day . I am happy that i get permission from author " We are " Series and " Boss and Babe" but the sad news only Indonesia translation will do. But you can read mine using google chrome translation! 
          Indo terjemahan : 
          True Moon 1-6
          Fahlanruk 32-34


@ hanaayukii_  thanks you for your hardwork. Akhirnya bisa membaca novel we are


I'm really glad you've started to get active.


@ hanaayukii_  Congratulations ㊗️


Update terbaru terjemahan indonesia :
          Fahlanruk series 1-31
          Tossakan 1-5
          We are series 1-5
          Bisa dibaca di @hana_terjemahan. Semua terjemahan berizin dari penulis asli :)


@hanaayukii_ do you know where can read love sea?


@ CaCoffee1230  the author has his official english and can buy on 


this message may be offensive
Hello readers!
          Who exciting with Perfect 10 liners? This series will be aires this year with 3 couple from 3 different novel but same author jittirain. 
          The first couple is Arc x Arm (Force x Book)
          . In short this couple with Arc as senior that has many fans not only woman but also man are die hard fans of him. He is tsundere type but he do many things including silly things to make Arm falling in love with him. For Arm is his junior but on same line code, he always bickering with Arm and so clueless about why Arc treat him different from others
          Can be seen :
          Second couple is Yotha x Gun (Perth x Chimmon)
          This start with Gun that looking for roommate that dont mind sleep with light switch on, coz Gun has phobia for Dark Place. Yotha dont mind with it but he like to go out but comeback at dawn. Gun confuse why Yotha always act like that, he thinks that Yotha didnt like him thats why he always out. The truth is Yotha work on club of his brother. Yotha have this bad trait want to steal someone lover , because he has his own trauma. When he still kid his mom left home with other man. Thats why he never believe true love and did many shit things to realse his upsetness. Oh almost forgot Yotha always call Gun 'beagle' coz Gun has round big eyes and always listen to command like cute dog
          Can be seen :
          For the Third Couple I only know Faifah hehhe . Sorry i need to finish YothaGun story first to give spoiler.  But rest assure all will come out eventually. Just don't forget to follow, vote, add profile ok?


@hanaayukii_ Thanks again my dear.