
if you’re following our schedule, you should be finished with the book! how did you like it? 


we’re holding two contests! please reply if you plan to participate. 


@insomniacbookclub i will not be able to complete my submission for the writing contest due to personal problems and time. 


@insomniacbookclub I am willing to participate in the writing contest~ my first contest I'm actually going through with after all the others that I wanted to but never did lol 


eden has made the decision to step down as vice president of ibc and leave wattpad to focus more on her life. i appreciated her help and loved working with her, but i know that ibc will continue to thrive. read her statement below: 
          after careful consideration i decided that it’s best for me to leave wattpad. quarantine has made me realize that i need to cherish the little things in life and enjoy the things around me and my phone has been taken up a lot of my time. i know i’ve left before but this time it is for good. i’m thankful to have been apart of this amazing group and i wish only the best for these amazing people. 
          — eden


assistant director* oops bc presidents get elected!!


so i kinda fell asleep as i was writing the post. anyway, for 50 followers, we’d like to announce our instagram page! we’ll be posting any graphics we make as well as extra stuff and who knows what else. follow us over there: @insomniacbookclub


@insomniacbookclub congrats on 50 followers! 