
The chapter that was supposed to be out Tuesday scheduled for the fourth of June. Sorry guys, it’s out now


Hey guys,
          I know I haven’t posted in a while but please bear with me. I’m super drained and mentally not in a good place. I hope you understand, thank you <333


I'm taking my Natasha Romanoff book down for now, I need some time to rewrite it and write some new chapters. <33


Can’t wait for more!! One of my favourites❤️


When is it always been you jade west story done 


I’m not sure, I haven’t had a lot of time to write recently


I’ve been thinking about un publishing my Natasha Romanoff book so I can rewrite and pre write some chapters because I don’t have the time of motivation at the moment. Opinions please!!


Here is my formal apology, I scheduled the Christmas chapter for the first of feb.
          I normally update it at 6:30 am but it’s out now…!


Happy new year everyone!!
          Still working on the Christmas chapter for my Jade West book. During the new year craze last night I managed to get my fingers trapped in a door so I’m a little slowed down and college starts back up tomorrow.
          Thank you everyone for your patience <33


Currently working on the Christmas chapter for ‘It’s always been you’. It’s at 3k words and only around half done so bear with me  It’ll be out soon <33