
All books & chapters are on hold until I finally finish saving ALL of my stuff. 


this message may be offensive
Wattpad deleted yet another one of my books for absolutely nothing. I've been trying to transfer them to docs BUT I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO DO THAT. It was one of my favorite stories. I'm so close to being over this. I'm about to start manifesting to sell my books on Amazon. I'll definitely manifest another app that's better for me. I'm done. I'll definitely let you all know when this account is done with. I might even remove it when I find new places for my expression. I'm tired. I'm not even upset surprisingly, but I refused to be policed by this weird biased shit. No cocky shit, but over time l've became one of the authors on this app with some of the best potential and product and I deserve to at least have access to my property before it's snatched away. It's energetic theft. @wattpad


Let me know too because when I get back from my hiatus I definitely want to find a platform where I feel like my stories wont get deleted after working so hard on them


@CameronNorris8 thank you. I’ll keep you guys updated. 


@alexisangel1029 Tysm. I just did some research and downloaded a bunch. I’ll most likely choose a couple and cross upload on all of them. The neobook people wanted us on their app so bad? Well, I’m gonna check it out soon and see if it’s worthy. 


Oh yeah, it’s my birthday. Love you guys. The reads and votes for “Paanee” & “Koi ࿊ Martial” SHOT UP! That is such a great gift. Ty. 


Happy Belated Birthday to the best author FOR YEARS on this here app!!! Talented multifaceted artist all around greatness!!!! 


Happy Belated Birthday 