
Hello, ladies, gents, and others. Hello to those who still linger on this overly monetized website, or peak in on occasion.
          	I wanted to say hi just in case anyone wonders what happened to that one person who went radio silent on here many moons ago.
          	When I was on Wattpad more frequently, I had a lot of issues going on. I was also a very devout Christian at the time, and I hoped to get a degree in English if I didn’t off myself first. 
          	Today, I am content in my life, though it isn’t without its problems. I deconverted a couple of years ago and I am now a raging bisexual atheist who lives with her partner (out of wedlock *gasp*!) and her twelve-year-old shih tzu. 
          	I have kicked depression’s a-s-s (love Wattpad’s censorship), and I am currently pursuing my Master’s degree in psychology. I also work a full-time big girl job in the big city!
          	My time away from Wattpad hasn’t necessarily been all roses, but I have done a lot of healing, thinking, etc. 
          	I’m still a bit of a weirdo, after all..
          	I hope everyone is doing well, and I wish all the best to y’all!


Hey!! I’m so glad you’re doing well, and we’re bi buddies now!! 


@jcdwriter Hey! Glad to hear you're doing well!


Hello, ladies, gents, and others. Hello to those who still linger on this overly monetized website, or peak in on occasion.
          I wanted to say hi just in case anyone wonders what happened to that one person who went radio silent on here many moons ago.
          When I was on Wattpad more frequently, I had a lot of issues going on. I was also a very devout Christian at the time, and I hoped to get a degree in English if I didn’t off myself first. 
          Today, I am content in my life, though it isn’t without its problems. I deconverted a couple of years ago and I am now a raging bisexual atheist who lives with her partner (out of wedlock *gasp*!) and her twelve-year-old shih tzu. 
          I have kicked depression’s a-s-s (love Wattpad’s censorship), and I am currently pursuing my Master’s degree in psychology. I also work a full-time big girl job in the big city!
          My time away from Wattpad hasn’t necessarily been all roses, but I have done a lot of healing, thinking, etc. 
          I’m still a bit of a weirdo, after all..
          I hope everyone is doing well, and I wish all the best to y’all!


Hey!! I’m so glad you’re doing well, and we’re bi buddies now!! 


@jcdwriter Hey! Glad to hear you're doing well!


I decided to release the trailer for MY THIRD HERMEY AND RUDOLPH STORY early!!! :D cheers!


Aaaahhhh thanks, you too @wandalostagain


@jcdwriter OMIGOSH, so glad to see you're still on here.  