
Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait on the updates, I’m currently going through some issues irl BUT I will be trying to focus on getting back to my normal every day routine. Of course I always have to remember to put myself first, and with that being said I’ll be putting more focus on writing more for you guys. Writing and updating for you guys always brightens my mood anytime, so I’ll most likely have a NEW update for both ‘cats and mouse’ and ‘the alpha son’s sunshine’ by the end of this week :) HAPPY WEDNESDAY AND I HOPE YOU GUYS ARE ALL DOING WELL <3


Thank you so much author❤️❤️


@jezzabelle50 Okay. Thank you for the update on your schedule. ❤


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Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait on the updates, I’m currently going through some issues irl BUT I will be trying to focus on getting back to my normal every day routine. Of course I always have to remember to put myself first, and with that being said I’ll be putting more focus on writing more for you guys. Writing and updating for you guys always brightens my mood anytime, so I’ll most likely have a NEW update for both ‘cats and mouse’ and ‘the alpha son’s sunshine’ by the end of this week :) HAPPY WEDNESDAY AND I HOPE YOU GUYS ARE ALL DOING WELL <3


Thank you so much author❤️❤️


@jezzabelle50 Okay. Thank you for the update on your schedule. ❤


For the people that were asking if I was going to start the 2nd book for ‘Taming The Female Player’ soon: I am proud to say that I had already created the cover, title & little info part for it :00000 I just need the people who REALLY want it to comment below so I can know FOR SURE if I should just drop the first chapter already or not ;p SO LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS IF YALL WANT SOME MORE ‘Trent & Jezzabelle’ <3333


yes please post it !!!!


@jezzabelle50 please I want the first chapter