
Chapter Nine of the Rise of Adreanna is up: Practice Makes Perfect 


Hey! How are you? I am trying to keep my R4R in check. I wanted to know if we’re still R4R’ing do my book ‘Only to Win’ and your book ‘the call of the Beachwick’.
          Feel free to delete this message, it’s just that without DM’s it is kind of hard to reach other writers :)


@Akoni0713 Yep. I saw there was an update yesterday. I was actually on my way over there here in a few minutes.
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Next chapter of the Rise of Adreanna is up. This one starts the Beachwick of Sulack brought to you by the makers of trunchbucket. 


Beachwick games of sulack....jeez. what's wrong with me?
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Hey everyone. It's been a few weeks, but the next chapter of Chain of Memories is complete. This chapter marks the completion of part one. I hope you enjoy it. 
          Here it is- Chapter Seven: Release. 


Ah that’s awesome.  m gonna have to get caught up. 
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@jpsuchecki sometimes you just gotta take time for yourself and your life. Writing can be hard on the brain, so good on your for resting it! I had to do that same thing the last few weeks, and came back to pump out 3 chapters. 
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Good day.
          You are one of the participants in @garden-of-avalon, right?
          Thank you for the follow. By the way, would you mind if I try to do a cover for any of your work except the ones you entered in the competition? No need to do the payment in the shop except giving credits when used; it is completely fine.
          Kind regards,


@shelomoh-ibn-dawud Hey, no problem. If you want to do a cover, go for it.
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Hey everyone. Chapter installment is up in "The Rise of Adreanna." We finally get to see what Thepa has been up to since the end of book one. Please go check it out.
          Chapter Seven: Responsibilities and Manners


@jpsuchecki cool I will try make time to read this week. I went back and revised my opening chapter for my Jurassic Park story you read and it should flow a lot better now. Thanks for your time and feedback!
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Hi @jpsuchecki I know we only just met but if you like science fiction/fantasy, check out my story called Jurassic Park: Last Man Standing. I think you might like it! Thanks for your time and it's no rush. :)


The Starlight Community is doing book reviews. In the last week, I have competed three books for the review, but before I write mine, I want to plug this one by @JustAWannabeWriter30. It's a 20k word novella that is told through the eyes of a dog after its gone to 'dog heaven.' I can't say enough good things about it. I don't know what the ONC competition looks like, but I'd be better on this one to win. Please go check it out. 


@JustAWannabeWriter30 >< Bleh the grammar here is terrible. Sorry about that.
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