
FINALLY UPDATE GD!!! yayyayayayay go forth and read!


@jules130 update this is 2020 talking and i agree with the above comment I love your books and I hope you they will get published some day


@jules130 Hello, hope you are doing okay. Been years since I started reading your books, still think about them, still love them. Hope to see them in a bookstore one day, but ofc, then I want a free one. JK, just wanted to write so that you know people still love your works, and are patiently wating for updates.


Yikes its almost 10years since you guys last updated. I think I read these stories when I was still in high school. Just checked if its finished now but its not hahaha hopefully a great story doesn't get unfinished tho. All your stories are masterpieces ❤️❤️❤️


Hey Jules. Your book Rock Prodigy is great. The way you wrote about music was so touching and was simply awesome.How you spoke about music too was so true. Also the way you described the nature of the characters was incredible. Im not some sort of a special litreature person whatsoever but I know that your book is one of the best I've read. I joined Wattpad recently so I found this book a couple of days ago and it spoke its way into my heart. You really are a great author. Please keep up your great work and never worry cuz you have alot of fans. Thank you so much for the book!


Hi Jules! Im just writing this message to let u know that your works took up most of my time in highschool lol  Its been a few years now so I kind of forgot about this. I was there when Rock Prodigy was still updating so u can imagine how long its been. Just sending in this message of appreciation. Thank you for everything!!