
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! I asked if y’all wanted the new book even though it’s not promised I will finish it. Pretty much everyone has said to release it! So guess what? I’m releasing it in like 2 minutes! If I get a good response, I will continue to add more chapters as much as I can! Let me know what you think!! 


@justanotherplum  LET'S GOO
          	  I'll read it when I come home!! thank youu


Hello, I have a Idea for a book that I think It would be cool. My Idea is a book about a famous Werewolf Hunter where he falls in love with a shewolf (she's his mate). I think that It could be a cool book, idk, you decide. Thank you for the attention ☺️✌️


BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! I asked if y’all wanted the new book even though it’s not promised I will finish it. Pretty much everyone has said to release it! So guess what? I’m releasing it in like 2 minutes! If I get a good response, I will continue to add more chapters as much as I can! Let me know what you think!! 


@justanotherplum  LET'S GOO
            I'll read it when I come home!! thank youu


Important announcement! I've been thinking and praying about this for a while and I think I've come to a decision. I think I have decided to "retire" from Wattpad. I've had this app for around ten years now and I've been writing on here at least 8 of those. I've written at least 7 books (many were taken down bc they're cringe lol), but all of them were successful thanks to all of you. 
          I didn't realize it at the time, but I got this app during one of the darkest periods of my life. Writing on here became my escape from reality- because at the time, my reality sucked. That's sort of putting it lightly lol. 
          God has gotten me through so much and after many years, I don't feel the need to escape reality anymore. I still love writing and I will miss it, and possibly come back to it or do it in my free time. However, right now I want to live in the moment in my reality. 
          This unfortunately means I probably won't release my other werewolf and alien book I was going to publish. Both of them are not finished, but maybe someday if I do finish them, I'll post them. So definitely keep following me if you are so you can keep an eye out! 
          I'll still be around, reading and replying to comments and whatnot. My books will stay up too. I worked too hard on those to not have anyone read them anymore lol.
          This moment is so bittersweet. A huge chapter of my life coming to an end. I am so so thankful for each and everyone of you. Your comments literally make my day. I thank God for the time I had on here and for the countless kind hearted readers I've gotten to know on here. 
          Thank you for everything! I'll still be around for now. God bless you all 


@justanotherplum I can't believe it. I literally just finished Lycanthrope. It was fantastic! I wanted to tell you how much I appreciated that you had true connection between your characters without using more physical descriptions. Thank you.


@justanotherplum heyy!!! i've been reading your works the past 3-4 years now- and all of them are lovely!!!! Hoping that this aint retirement and just a sabbatical tho!!!
            take care <3


@justanotherplum it's so amazing seeing another Christian on this app, God bless and lots of love 


The last chapter is up! :,) thank you to everyone who has read it! I appreciate you all so much! 


@justanotherplum no no no 
            I will miss you so much , I've loved your stories and so wanted more . I promise to reread your stories until I can't anymore please if you write on another site let me know so I can follow you , if you decide to stop altogether I will miss you and the characters that will always be in my heart


Hey everyone! I know many have asked why there wasn’t an update on Saturday and I’m soooo sorry there wasn’t. I had no time to write last week :( I’m going to do my best to get y’all an update this coming Saturday! I’m sorry there’s no promises, especially after that crazy cliffhanger I left you on lol. Thank you so much for being patient with me! I appreciate every single one of you! I’ll keep you updated on where I’m at with writing the next chapter :)


@justanotherplum thank you for letting us know and glad you are alright I was kinda worried 
            Looking forward to the next chapter and your new werewolf book too


I’m looking forward to it. Life always has a way of not fanning enough hrs lol. 