
Hi everyone! I know I’ve been almost completely inactive on Wattpad for the last year or two, but I’ve not completely forgotten about writing and I was hoping you all could follow along on my journey to publishing a book, because it all started here :) I just created a brand new tik tok where I will be talking about the process of writing and publishing Bulletproof! So, especially if you read the beginning of that book and enjoyed it, please follow me on tik tok @darcywrites !! Thank you all so much for the support you’ve given me throughout the years, you’ve given me the confidence to do what I’m doing now and I love you all :)


Hi everyone! I know I’ve been almost completely inactive on Wattpad for the last year or two, but I’ve not completely forgotten about writing and I was hoping you all could follow along on my journey to publishing a book, because it all started here :) I just created a brand new tik tok where I will be talking about the process of writing and publishing Bulletproof! So, especially if you read the beginning of that book and enjoyed it, please follow me on tik tok @darcywrites !! Thank you all so much for the support you’ve given me throughout the years, you’ve given me the confidence to do what I’m doing now and I love you all :)


Hey guys, I’m really sorry for anyone reading my Bulletproof book but it’s been unpublished due to a few reasons. One, I’ve started too many stories that I cannot keep up with them all and I plan on writing more stories in an attempt to self publish. Two, I will probably continue writing this story but in an attempt to publish it as well. I’m really sorry for any inconvenience but thank you all for the support :) 


Thank you so much for the support❤️❤️ (: 


@justdarcy Thanks for letting us know. I really hope you publish it soon (:


Hi everyone :) so I’d like to know honestly if any of you would read an original if I wrote one on Wattpad. My last one didn’t get a lot off attention but I’d plan on doing a more romantic teenage/ young adult book then fan fiction. Please give your honest answers :) 


@justdarcy can’t wait to see what you come up with! Keep writing!


@justdarcy I would like that! Based on your past books, I'm sure it'll be great, though it depends on the plot. Your writing style is awesome. Keep at it!


Hi guys please please read this! So I know a lot of people are going through a lot right now and quarantine is stressful for everyone in different ways. Some people are just bored at home and others have a lot more to deal with. Some people are struggling with anxiety and/or depression and having nothing to occupy your mind or possibly being in a bad environment is worsening your disorders. Some people have had, are going through, or attempting to recover from eating disorders. Not having healthy food options is extremely hard for people who struggle with confidence in their bodies and it causes unnecessary stress on these people. I know there are so many more problems and everyone is going through something so if you’re going through something message me, I will try and respond as quickly as possible and help in whatever way possible :) stay home and stay safe guys❤️