
Hello, Creative Minds!
          	Have you ever marveled at your ability to create worlds, evoke emotions, and inspire others through your words? That’s why writing is a gift.
          	Remember each sentence you write is not only bringing you closer to your dreams but also fueling creativity in others. So, let’s keep going, embrace the process, and trust in your unique voice. And most importantly, enjoy the journey.
          	In the comments, let us know about your progress.
          	In addition, the March - April 8 Chapter Challenge Completed chapter is now up!
          	Happy Writing!


@BingJunior Hey there! We've got two exciting challenges going on right now. Simply head over to the profile to check out the challenge you're interested in. Take a look at the submission guide to find the submission form.


@justwriteit I would like to submit my story how can I do that?


@justwriteit Couldn't of said it better my self go off Wattpad ^^ words and ideas can change the world <3


Umm I have a question, does the book have to be your own story or can it be a fanfic


Hey @NewJeans07, it's important to consider the specific challenge you're interested in. For the 8CC challenge, fan fiction isn't allowed, but it's totally fine for the 30DC challenge. Please note that whatever you submit should be your own work.


@justwriteit i would like to know by when should i submit it and should I submit it after i am done or should i complete the whole story(btw it will take more than 8 chapters maybe even a sequel to complete the whole story ) so please tell me as i am getting sligthly confused.and also how do generate the url for your book




@Tinfoilhats67 Hello!
            You can submit for the 8CC when you are done writing and posting 8 new chapters of your story.
            On how to find the url, the guidelines chapter has a link to the help page about the same. Please read the guidelines for that.


Hello, will there be another 8 chapter challenge during June or July or anytime after that? Just asking since it didn't happen in May... :)


@justwriteit Oh okay! Thank you for the info. I will check the book ❤️


@yasiamthatrose Hello! The May-June 8CC is underway. Please check the 8CC guidebook. It has all the details.


It sucked and I wasn't picked and everyone you pick has no talent let's be honest here, the good is left behind and the bad is praised, all I see on Wattpad front page is cliches and bad boy bad girl writing, with werewolves and Mafia bosses and they never have good stories to tell, I'm looking forward to the downfall of the untalented, and everyone thinks the same way, why you think everyone hates Wattpad.


@StoryLordd Please don't knock other writers down That's the intention of 
            Wattpad. I agree with everyone above it could have been a simple mistake that is an easy fix on your part not Wattpad's an easy fix for the next challenge you could try^^ but don't give up nor talk bad about others just because it isn't your type of tropes/genres.


@StoryLordd It is my understanding that everyone who followed the guidelines of the challenge was acknowledged in the update? Was there a mistake made on your part? If so, I would address that with Wattpad. But putting others down is not the way to go here. Everyone worked as hard as you did. 


@StoryLordd Dude, that’s so mean, like, I know what it’s like not to be picked for a challenge or something , but there’ll be more challenges and competitions you can enter, and people worked really hard on their stories and I doubt they appreciate you coming along and saying that they’ve no talent. You obviously like writing since you entered a challenge, so you know how hard it can be to complete a book, and maybe you can easily come up with ideas but others can’t, so maybe just relax, keep writing and enjoy writing


Hello, Creative Minds!
          Have you ever marveled at your ability to create worlds, evoke emotions, and inspire others through your words? That’s why writing is a gift.
          Remember each sentence you write is not only bringing you closer to your dreams but also fueling creativity in others. So, let’s keep going, embrace the process, and trust in your unique voice. And most importantly, enjoy the journey.
          In the comments, let us know about your progress.
          In addition, the March - April 8 Chapter Challenge Completed chapter is now up!
          Happy Writing!


@BingJunior Hey there! We've got two exciting challenges going on right now. Simply head over to the profile to check out the challenge you're interested in. Take a look at the submission guide to find the submission form.


@justwriteit I would like to submit my story how can I do that?


@justwriteit Couldn't of said it better my self go off Wattpad ^^ words and ideas can change the world <3


Hello just write it for the eight chapter challenge i am not able to find the link to post my story or at least entertain it .can you please help me


@Tinfoilhats67 Hello! To submit your entry, scroll to the bottom of the 1st chapter, there's a how to submit section, and in bold there is SUBMISSION FORM. Kindly click on it.


Hello, Creative Minds!
          Feeling stuck? Don't worry, we've got a mini challenge to ignite your creativity;
          1. “Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists…” - Kurt Vonnegut.
          In about 7 words write about the fear of growing up, something we can all relate to.
          2. What if you had a green thumb and everything you touched could come back to life? What are the 3 things that you would want to breathe life into and why?
          Finally, don’t forget to tell us in the comments, which one of our ongoing challenges you have joined, 30DC or 8CC, and how it is going.
          Remember, whether you’re writing daily, weekly, or sporadically, it's all progress. So, hats off to you—keep rocking it!
          Happy Writing!


Mini challenge #2: Bees, roses, trees grant more life than me.


Mini challenge #1: The reality of your limitations is humorless.


Home is always the most longed for  destination.


Hello sorry to disturb,
          I registered for the 8CC (April-May) but I can't find the chapter in the book anymore. Even though I know that the contest is over, I can still see the other editions but not this one, would you mind check ?
          Have a nice day !


@justwriteit Yeah sorry, my mistake, I meant to say Challenge, my English isn't perfect ( ´;゚;∀;゚;).
            Okay, thanks for the informations.


@4_Booksreader_4 Hello! We hold challenges and not contests.
            The guidelines showcase the current challenge.
            The March-April 8CC entries are being screened and the screening progress will be updated soon.