
hello everyone,
          	the past few days have been incredibly stressful. a user claiming to be an official account sent me a message stating that my account would be deleted within a few hours time. following that, i was logged out from my account and it was taken over by this other user who removed my stories. every time i tried to log in, it displayed that @kaloned didn't exist. 
          	thankfully, wattpad's support team was very efficient and managed to restore my account here. i'll be republishing my works soon enough. 
          	asha x


@kaloned that must have felt horrible; have good days ahead <3


@kaloned Hope that everything's fine now. I understand that it was really a pathetic situation you got in. Have a great day ahead! ♥️


@WYXZIN tysm and you too!


Hi I’m new to wattpad, I am unsure of how to check to see if my published chapter is accessible to readers. It’s called The Goddess Rising chapter which one is called The Wedding. It would mean a lot if people would try to check it out on this app and give me feedback, as I’m not sure how it works. Anyways thank you for your time. I like your story too.