
this message may be offensive
So I’m going through my old stories to fix the spelling and grammar errors and shit. (I wanna perfect the older ones before I finish the newer ones). Anywayssss I just want to point out that you guys are whores for song references and fourth wall breaks. I can’t stop laughing at your old comments. 


@kayiswritting Hooray! I love your books more than I love myself


Hey I was just wondering if you’ve made an ao3 acc? Bc I saw a fic in the kpop fandom that’s exactly like “let’s not and say we did” like...word for word...the only thing changed was names and a few food items to make it fit into South Korea better..just wanted to check if it was you or if someone is plagiarizing


@TypicalYonny you're her sibling? Oh my god tell her I'm a huge fan of her book wtf and also is she okay she hasn't been very active. 


Most definitely plagiarizing. My sister hasn’t or doesn’t plan on writing stories anymore I believe. I also know for a fact that she isn’t a Kpop fan. Thank you for bringing this to my attention and I will have a chat with her.


Hey! I hope you doing alright dude, its been awhile that i’ve read ur stories. I’ll always love them, and that it always a good feeling re-reading them and feeling like the first time I read the book. Hope you are doing well! 


I just finished reading Let's not and say we did. I have to admit, I didn't know the people the characters are based on, I just read it like it was original fiction and that worked very well. I enjoyed the story very much. Thanks for sharing it